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zondag 30 april 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE CZECH PRAGUE News Journal Update - (en) Czech, AFED: Report from the blockade of the Dark March for Life (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Prague ---- After a year, the infamous circus called Movement for Life came to

Prague again to perform a majestic march through the city under the nationalcolors. For his support, a happening was prepared, a mass (to which after lastyear's attack on a photographer, no one who wanted to take pictures of the beautywas allowed access), a program in Klárov and finally the march itself. ---- Inthe meantime, we gathered in front of the Rudolfinum for thecounter-demonstration "Prague is feminist!" and were preparing for speeches,during which we took turns speaking at another counter-demonstration "My body, mychoice". Then there was an echo that the March had moved and theanti-abortionists would not follow the originally planned route aroundRudolfinum. We held a flash action plenum and decided to catch up with them andafter all make their passage uncomfortable and show that there was never andnever will be a place for klerofascism. While the group around Johana Nejedlovácarried out a symbolic blockade, we, together with about three hundredanti-fascists, got to Na Príkope street, which we blocked and showed thepanbíckárs that they had to count on us and that their march would not passeasily . After the March left,There we succeeded in an artistic masterpiece - we arrived at the square beforethe March, whose organizers we took the podium and the entire space "under thetail". With banners "Prague is and will be feminist! Stop clerofascism!" and"Human rights > your faith" we blocked the stage until the heavies came andstarted pushing us out. Some of us moved to the side where we continued to chantand make the experience unpleasant for all the marchers, some chose the path ofpassive resistance and sat huddled together on the stage. In order to enable thepreaching of ideas belonging to somewhere in the 19th century, the Fizelovs thenbegan to take away the sitting protesters and secured a total of four people andtook them to the stations in Bartolomejska and Kraków.Bottom line, we prepared the March for Life with an hour of speeches, so thosewaiting for Archbishop Graubner to apologize for covering convicted pedophilepriest Merta, who sexually abused minors, will have to wait longer. The rest oftheir speeches were constantly interrupted by mysterious breakdowns of theaggregate, which was supposed to ensure sufficient sound. If the aggregate(apparently a devil-possessed machine) wasn't falling, we used therecommendations of the Movement for Life regarding the use of horns (although notin the way that was recommended to the raped people in Ukraine) and the last,additional icing on the cake was the irritation of the mayor of Prague 1, whoapparently she did not know about the reported gathering in Klárov, where Uchác'ssupporters destroyed the newly reconstructed lawn with their cars and activities,and they will probably have to pay for its repair in full.AF-Prague thanks everyone who participated in the counter-actions and proved thatPrague remained feminist.https://www.afed.cz/text/7919/narky-klerikalu-ve-feministicke-praze_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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