On 27 March, the event "The civilization of the sea" will be held in Livorno at
the Naval Academy, organized by the Navy, CNR and the Leonardo Foundation, thegiant of the Italian war industry. ---- The Ministers of Defense Guido Crosettoand of Civil and Sea Protection Nello Musumeci will be present together withrepresentatives of the General Staff of Defence, leaders of the industrial andacademic world closely linked to military research and production. ---- A greatevent to present a "white paper" on the new maritime policy that the government,together with the military and industrial leaders, envisages for Italy. ---- Theappointment is part of that war normalization campaign that Crosetto is alsopromoting with the establishment of a "Committee for the development andenhancement of defense culture". In fact a committee for war propaganda, aimedabove all at penetrating schools and among the younger generations. Prominentexponents of the media world, the world of arms, culture, universities and theeconomy are part of this body, some of whom will also be among the speakers atthe Livorno event.The Committee, according to Crosetto, will have to promote "Defence" as a foreignpolicy tool and driving force of the economy, and divulge alleged truths of thefacts and "verified" information. So war economy and media control.Just as governments in the Mediterranean continue to let those shipwrecked dietrying to reach the coasts of Europe, this catwalk event at the Naval Academyclarifies once and for all the vision of those who govern us: the sea must onlybe a resource to be exploited for the extraction of gas, oil, minerals and rareearths, for the laying of cables and pipelines. The sea must be militarized, forthe neocolonial projection into the "enlarged Mediterranean" or as a hub fornuclear submarines, weapons and war devices.Life in and around the Mediterranean is in danger like no other sea due to highpollution from maritime traffic and spills from coastal countries, to climatechange accelerating far beyond forecasts, to intensive fishing carried out bymultinationals. In particular, the Italian coasts host 11 nuclearized ports(including ours) and Italy itself has not yet ratified the Treaty for theProhibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) approved by the UN. Instead of proposingsolutions to these enormous problems, the government promises to increasemilitary spending and allocate huge resources to further militarize theMediterranean by disguising it under the word "Defense".Let's give an answer to this militarist propaganda, let's give a voice to themovements rooted in Livorno and in the nearby cities. Like the many initiativesagainst wars, or the fight against death bases and industries, including Chedditeand Leonardo, up to the opposition to the transport of weapons in ports and airports.We take to the streets to reject this war policy.The sea is not an industrial, mining or military site. The sea must not be acemetery, but a place shared by peoples, as it has been for centuries, in whichrescue operations by any vessel are favored and strengthened. We say yes to alively and clean sea, yes to the culture of peace! Let's defend ourselves fromweapons!Coordination for the withdrawal of military missions abroadLivorno network against warshttps://www.anarresinfo.org/anarres-del-17-marzo-guerra-e-crisi-oltre-i-generi-la-societa-della-sorveglianza/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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