On Sunday April 16, the ZSP Multi-branch Union picketed at two Zabka convenience
stores in Warsaw. The first one was at Hemara St. where we went for the firsttime and the second one at Skrzynieckiego St., where we returned. ---- During thepicket at Skrzynieckiego St., one worker was paid but unfortunately, the secondworker was not able to come and did not. After the picket at Hemara St., welearned that a second worker was not paid there. This is very common; if anemployer doesn't pay one worker, he or she probably has also cheated somebodyelse. In this situation, the worker, who explained she is a single mother andcannot pay her bills because of this situation, received a lot of support fromthe local residents. The Zabka agent (franchisee) paid both of the workers.This just shows again that it pays to take action. Unfortunately, there are a lotmore people out there that are cheated but who we don't have contact with.On May Day, we will be conducting an informational event in Warsaw where we willtry to inform precarious workers of their rights and encourage them to organize.We will be stopping at multiple Zabka stores. Many people in the area of ouroffice have worked in Zabka or other convenience stores at one time or anotherand some of the stores are using workers illegally, without contracts or properpayment and benefits. We will continue to fight this exploitation on May Day andafter!https://zsp.net.pl/recent-actions-and-success-zabka-convenience-stores_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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