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zondag 2 april 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE RUSSIA News Journal Update - (en) Russia, AIT: Anarcho-syndicalists in Poland continue the conflict with the shops "Zhabka" (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On March 19, activists of the anarcho-syndicalist trade union ZSP (Union of

Syndicalists of Poland, a section of the International Workers' Association) heldtwo pickets outside the shops of the Zhabka trading network. It is the largestnetwork with about 9,000 franchise stores across the country, and also operatesin the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The company cares little about workingconditions: many employees are hired without an employment contract, receivewages below the minimum established level, and also with delays and non-payments.---- The first picket was held in Warsaw near a store on Skrzynski Street, wheretwo workers were not paid their money, and only one of them had an employmentcontract signed at all. The workers calculated how much they were owed, and theunion sent claims by e-mail. During the picket, the letter was handed to themanager, but she defiantly tore it up. Nevertheless, the activists are determinedto "squeeze" the obstinate employer.The second picket was organized in Minsk-Mazowiecki near Warsaw. The worker, whodemanded to pay her the money she earned, received it a day after theannouncement of the upcoming picket. However, another employee of the same storeapproached the activists and told that she was in a similar situation. So thepicketers came to the store. Seeing the protesters, the manager immediatelyhurriedly closed the store, and then called the police and complained that "shewas attacked." But the police did not intervene, because such cases areincreasingly becoming the object of public attention(https://zsp.net.pl/more-pickets-zabka-convenience-stores-highlight-systematic-abuse-workers)https://aitrus.info/node/6065_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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