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zondag 28 mei 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, CNT-ait: Anarchosyndicalisme! #181 - March 8: Remember the brave women of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan who are fighting against their fascist regimes and patriarchy (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The Workers Solidarity Federation, federation of friends of AIT in Pakistan, will

participate in the Women's March, Aurat march (in Urdu) in Karachi on March 12:---- "Don't forget the brave women of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistani women fortheir struggle against fascist regimes and patriarchy on International WorkingWomen's Day. Let's hope for a better world where we all feel safe and loved. ----On March 12, the Workers' Solidarity Federation WSF-AIT, , will join the AuratMarch in Karachi @AuratMarchKHI with banners to support the struggle of Afghan,Iranian and Pakistani women, against the forced conversion of girls minors aswell as the rights of transgender people! So join us for a better world!»The Aurat March is an annual socio-political protest held since 2018 in Pakistanicities like Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta to observeInternational Women's Day.The march manifesto demands economic justice, including the implementation oflabor rights and the Protection from Harassment of Women in the Workplace Act2010, recognition of women's unpaid contributions to the ''economy of care''(social and solidarity economy), and the addition of maternity leave to workcontracts as well as the setting up of crèches to ensure the inclusion of womenin the working population. The march also demands access to clean air and water,the protection of animals and wildlife, the recognition of women's participationin the production of food and cash crops, access to a system fair justice,inclusion of women with disabilities and the transgender community, reproductivejustice, free access to public spaces, inclusion in educational institutions, etc...During the march, women and men carry placards with slogans such as Ghar ka Kaam,Sab ka Kaam ("Housework is everyone's business"), and Mera Jism Meri Marzi ("Mybody, my choice ") became the rallying cry.Mera Jism Meri Marzi (lit. My body, my choice)Mera Jism Meri Marzi, "My body, my choice", is a slogan used by feminists inPakistan to demand bodily autonomy and protest against gender-based violence.Other popular slogans are:- Nazar teri gandi aur purdah mein keroun ("Why should I adopt the veil becauseof your bad habit of ogling?")- Agar dupatta itna pasand hai tou apni aankhon pe bandh lo ("If you love thescarf so much, then tie it around your eyes")- Tu kare tou Stud, Mai Karun tou Slut ("If you do it, you're a stud, but if I doit, I'm a slut")- Khana khud garam karo ("Prepare the food yourself")Conservatives, the right and Islamists oppose these slogans which they believeare contrary to their Islamic ideology and which they claim promote vulgarity aswell as Western culture and agenda. Opponents of the Aurat march accused itsorganizers on social networks of displaying a French flag, while the flag of theWomen Democratic Front is red, white and purple... The most radical opponentsadded threats to stop the march of Aurat by force if it includes slogansunacceptable to them.In 2021, according to Pakistani Minister of Religious Affairs and InterfaithHarmony, Noorul Haq Qadri, Islamic societies are best at protecting women'srights. Qadri said that the banners, placards and slogans of the Aurat March donot correspond to the social, political and religious norm of Pakistan in thecollective thought of the Pakistani people, and that individuals or civil societyparticipating in the Aurat March do not should not have the freedom to underminereligious injunctions and that the Aurat March should instead be celebrated asHijab Day to focus the discrimination of Hindu extremists against Muslimminorities in India. Every year, marches are organized amid intimidation and attacks.We stand with Iranian women.We stand with the women of Iran.Estamos con las mujeres de Iran.Ni staras kun la virinoj de Irano.Give Afghan women the right to education and life!Give Afghan women the right to education and life!¡Den a las mujeres afganas el derecho a la educación ya la vida!Donu al afganaj virinoj la rajton i edukado kaj vivo!Stop the enforced disappearance of Baloch women!Stop the forced disappearance of Baloch women!¡Alto a la desaparición forzada de mujeres baluchis!Arrêtez la disparition forcée des femmes baloutches!We are against the forced religious conversion of underage girls in PakistanWe are against the enforced conversion of minor girls in Pakistan!Estamos in contra of the forzada conversion of niñas menores in PakistanNi estas kontrau la devigita konvertigo de negravaj knabinoj in PakistanoProtect the lives of transgender people!Protect the life of transgenders!Protect the life of the transgenero personas!Protect the life of transgenruloj!Companions from the Workers' Solidarity Federation Pakistan participated in theKarachi AuratMarch today. We anarchists regard the existence of a state as thebasis of paternalism. We humans are against anyone's monopoly and consider it ourduty to speak out against it.http://cnt-ait.info/2023/03/08/aurat-march-fr/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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