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zondag 28 mei 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, UCADI #169: PEACE (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Peace has broken out. Under the patronage and with Chinese mediation, talks were

held in Beijing between the delegations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and SaudiArabia which led to the restoration of diplomatic relations between the twocountries, interrupted in 2016 . The rapprochement between the leading states,respectively of the Sunni-Wahhabi component and of the Shiite-theocraticcomponent of Islamism, can profoundly change the policies within the Islamicworld and deserves a careful analysis that highlights the various factors thathave led the parties to the agreement. ---- The Islamic Republic is going throughone of the most difficult phases in its history, undermined by an internal revoltthat questions the regime's principles and ideology, denounces its corruption andundermines its social base. The protest movement born in response to therepression that began in September continues even if the Western media havesilenced the new brutal attacks against female students fighting for their rightsand fail to denounce the use of gas against them by paramilitary groups wellknown to the regime. Nonetheless, the political and economic causes of the crisishave not disappeared and the regime needs to break the opposition front bypacifying relations with the Sunni component and its clergy, present in thecountry, who have lined up in support of the protest.If these reasons are added to those of foreign policy relating to the adoption ofconverging and agreed policies on energy (extraction and prices of gas and oil)in this delicate phase of the world economy, the common interest is that ofgiving way to a economic-political area of Islamic countries that faces a commonfront in a multipolar world of large opposing blocks that is taking shape.In our opinion, this common goal is precisely the main reason that prompted SaudiArabia to reach the agreement, but the cost of the ongoing conflicts between thetwo components of Islamism has weighed and weighs for both countries, conflictswhich have benefited Israel and made Anglo-American interests prevail in thecontrol of the Middle East, torn apart by internal wars and divisions.China has cleverly inserted itself into this accumulation of interests and hasmade its own promise of investments and the application of its policy of buildingand making infrastructures available for countries that agree to relate to itseconomy. On the other hand, China needs constant and privileged access to energysources and therefore both Iranian and Saudi oil: the gas and oil produced by thetwo countries are coveted by China, also because Iranian and Saudi productionSaudi Arabia takes place in territories closer to the Asian country and allowsthe construction of oil and gas pipelines which, starting from the fields, willbe able to directly serve the Chinese territory.But there is more: the agreement mends relations within the Islamic world andcould potentially lead to the cooling of the ongoing conflicts in this area,starting with that of Yemen, and then moving on to the Lebanese and Syrian areas,loosening the grip on these territories by the United States and Israel,containing Turkish expansionism, a dangerous competitor for the two Islamiccountries. Furthermore, in a now multipolar world where, as the war in Ukrainedemonstrates, possession and access to nuclear weapons is an essential guaranteeof autonomy and security, power - even if in perspective - access to nuclearweapons is considered a guarantee and Iran, it should not be forgotten, is onestep away from possessing nuclear weapons and could easily have suitable deliverysystems.These are the possible reasons for the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabiawhich must be watched carefully and promise unforeseeable, but certainlyimportant consequences on the international arena, capable of undermining thehegemonic project of the United States which at the moment is the main objectiveof politics Chinese foreign exchange, which, moving with prudence and foresight,aims to create the widest possible conditions of a multipolar world.This policy is demonstrated by the strengthening of the BRICS area of which Chinais a part and in which it plays an important role.The importance and consequences of the success of this strategy are unequivocaland reside in the strength of the countries that are part of the BRICS which allabstained from voting on Russia's motion to condemn the war in Ukraine andtogether hold 40% of GDP and world trade.http://www.ucadi.org/2023/03/22/pace-%d8%b3%d9%84%d9%85/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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