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donderdag 1 juni 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE CZECH News Journal Update - (en) Czech, AFED, AF Publishers News - What have we prepared for readers since the last Anarchist Book Festival? (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On Saturday, May 27, from 10:00 a.m., we will meet again after a year at the

stand of the Anarchist Federation Publishing House in front of the Prague clubCross with readers on the occasion of the 10th annual Anarchist Book Festival .If you haven't purchased anything from our workshop since last year, here is anoverview of the publications published over the past year, including one brandnew item. ---- Existence #2/2022: Anarchist Strategy ---- The autumn issue of ouranarchist review is devoted to an important topic, namely the ways in whichanarchist politics can currently be thought about. He returns to the debate overthe article "Cough up activism", dissects the politics of the AF, and throughtranslations, contemporary anarchist theorists Antti Rautiainen and PeterGelderloos address the topic of anarchist strategy. The issue of the war inUkraine is touched upon by the articles "Malatesta on war and nationalself-determination" by Wayne Price, "Misconceptions about imperialism" by AnttiRautiainen, the ABC-Belarus statement, the AF lecture on false myths about thewar or a critical reaction to the position of the Italian federation. Laura Akairecalls activism in the US in the 1980s, we return to the struggle for Istanbul'sGezi Park and we remember the anarchists E. Armando and Ricardo Flores Magón.Also, reports from events, reviews and texts of wall newspapersA3 . (more HERE )(60 A4 pages, recommended contribution to cover costs CZK 70)Existence No. 1/2023: Anarchist HashekThe spring issue is dedicated to Jaroslav Hashek, whose death anniversary wecommemorate this year. We focus on his life and work, paying particular attentionto his involvement in the anarchist movement and the anti-authoritarian attitudesthat accompanied his entire life. There are regular columns about the activitiesof the movement, about AF, reviews and A3 texts . Unfortunately, there are quitea few obituaries and the topic of the ongoing war in Ukraine. The Dresdencollective AF comments on this from the point of view of the assistance providedand Wayne Price with parallels from the past. At the same time, we present anextensive interview with the author of the text about the history of hispolitical involvement. (more HERE )(60 A4 pages, recommended contribution to cover costs CZK 70)Ricardo Flores MagónIn the book in pocket format, it is recalled who the Mexican revolutionary Magónwas, how rich and fruitful his life was, who were his closest comrades, how hefit into the context of the Mexican Revolution and how he addressed the futureZapatistas. The collection also includes several of Magón's texts, which showhowhe brought anarchist ideas to the readers of the Regeneración newspaper in hisunique way . (more HERE )(104 pages A6, recommended contribution to cover costs CZK 90)Ihar Alinevic: I'm going to Magadan. Prison diary of an anarchistAnarchist Ihar Alinevich (Russian: Igor Olinevich) is a political prisoner of theBelarusian regime. He was arrested for the first time in 2010 and subsequentlysentenced to 8 years without evidence. In 2012, his prison diary Jedu do Magadanwas published . It immediately became not only a documentary, but also a literaryhit. Igor writes about what is happening in contemporary Belarus, about aperson's choice in a situation between life and death, between freedom andcaptivity, conscience and betrayal. In 2020, when mass anti-government protestsbroke out in Belarus, Igor was arrested again and a year later (in a trial withother anarchists) sentenced to 20 years. The book is the 2nd edition with graphicediting and a cover by Jana Anna Cholvadt. (more HERE )(241 pages of 13×18.2 cm format, recommended contribution to cover costs CZK 220)Wayne Price: Marx's Economics for AnarchistsAnarchists generally condemn Marx as a historical figure of the workers'movement, since his disputes with anti-authoritarians in the First International.On the other hand, they always spoke with appreciation about Marx's analysis ofthe capitalist system. And it is precisely this question that is addressed in thework with the subtitle "An Anarchist Introduction to Marx's Critique of PoliticalEconomy" by Wayne Price, who as a "Marxist-informed anarchist" tries to bringMarx's critique of political economy as briefly as possible and confront it withdevelopments in the 20th century and criticism from anarchist positions. (more HERE )(132 pages A6, recommended contribution to cover costs CZK 110)Jaroslav Hashek: A fascinating historyAnd the hottest new thing is a collection of short stories, humor stories, poemsand feuilletons that Jaroslav Hashek published in the anarchist newspapers MaticeSvoboda, Omladina, Nová Omladina, Komuna and Chudas , in some of which he actedas their paid editor between 1904 and 1907. This book was published on theoccasion of the centenary of Hashek's death. Where necessary, the realitiesmentioned in the stories are provided with explanatory notes. (more HERE )(196 pages A6, recommended contribution to cover costs CZK 150)So much for last year's offer. Of course, most of the older issues of Existence ,books , brochures , comics , paperbacks and the popular anarchist songbook willalso be available .So come to the Anarchist Book Festival, which will include a rich program, andsupport the anarchist press, because your support is a necessary condition for itto be published.We look forward to you.https://www.afed.cz/text/7938/novinky-nakladatelstvi-af_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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