These days it can be a controversial thing to say that, by design, gets
unpleasant, contentious and irrationally angry and absurd responses andreactions from some quarters. It's a viewpoint that is deliberatelymarginalised because doing so benefits the status quo and those who rulesociety. But the fact is that it's always a mistake to put any trust inany politician. We cannot vote our way out of this dystopian capitalistmess. Bourgeois politics is a counter-productive waste of time and thatincludes all political parties and politicians. The entire capitalistclass and their system is the enemy and none of them deserve oursupport, and that includes our votes (no matter who they are).Representative so-called 'democracy' has completely failed and is notworth participating in at all and that includes social capitalistpolitics, which sometimes falsely claims to be 'socialist'. In realityvoting is a disgusting submissive act of self-abasement and should becompletely rejected and scorned. Ultimately, in various ways, it is notsomething that is in the interests of working-class people to do in thesociety that we are currently lumbered with much to our detriment.We only have a 'choice' in voting between one corporate sponsoredpolitician or another corporate sponsored politician. Flip a coin. Itdoesn't matter if it comes up heads or tails if the bank owns the coin.So, vote for who you want, but corporations 'donate' to all politicians,which is in reality just legalized bribery, so no matter who winsoffice, the corporations always win. Any vote is a vote for thecapitalist class and its capitalist system and this includes the socialcapitalists and state capitalists of the left.In a sense it doesn't even really matter, if voting rights aresuppressed or if there is gerrymandering because voting and electoralismis counter-productive and anti-working class, as is representativedemocracy itself. It is the lie that we are a so-called 'free society'and can vote our problems away and that the politicians and theiradvisers and their corporate backers will save us and that we ourselvesare incapable of doing so, or shouldn't be allowed to do so.Representative 'democracy' is the deceptive, hypnotising illusion of afake, non-existent 'freedom' that preserves the status quo, the classsystem etc and won't stop disenfranchising us and holding us back.Putting us firmly in 'our place'. Let's stop being deceived that we livein a free society that is for our interests when we don't.Voting also does the capitalist class a huge favour by usingelectoralism as a diversion away from effective politics and action.Representative 'democracy' has failed. We need to build autonomousalternatives from below and genuinely resist capitalism and the statewith collective direct action and practice genuine solidarity with aview to creating our own decentralised structures of working classself-organisation and collective, shared power that also truly give us avoice and empower us as individuals, such as - free federations ofcommunes - popular assemblies and worker's councils, that are truly fairand directly democratic for ourselves and our communities. And all ofthat is what voting and electoralism is a deliberate diversion away fromand why it is harmful to our class and to society and the politicalsituation in general. That is why they want you to vote. All politicalparties and politicians should be totally rejected and that, rather thanour votes, support and consent, is what they deserve.Article by Tom Hughes - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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