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zaterdag 30 september 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE URUGUAY News Journal Update - (en) Uruguay, fAu: Analysis of the Latin American situation - CALA (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On the international stage, we are going through important changes in

the correlations of power that did not begin now, but that have gainedgreater intensity with the events of recent years. ---- After the end ofthe Cold War and the defeat of the Real Socialism bloc, we began a phaseof what has conventionally been called a unipolar world, with the UScentralizing all power and influencing the rest of the world , withoutmuch resistance, in a globalization dictated by the beacons oftransnationals and Western values (with military-ideological supportersand political-economic protectorates as supporters) of much of WesternEurope, as well as Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealandand the State of Israel, based on Zionism and racist apartheid.On the other hand, since the 1970s and 1980s, the standards of livingachieved by these countries have been showing signs of significantdeterioration, something that was essential to keep the majority oftheir oppressed classes under control and in line with their policies. .We are now going through the heyday of neoliberal policy that wascreated during the cold war and became the only truth accepted byofficial economists and governments in most of the world; Decades ofthis policy have seen society absorbed and precarious almost to thepoint of exhaustion.When this model fails, there are two possibilities: either a popularrevolt or the system needs to reinvent itself. What we are seeing is thesystem reinventing itself.In this new reorganization of the system we see the emergence of a newsphere of international influence. Led by China, a new non-white andnon-Western power bloc begins to form, which begins to design amultipolar world in which the hegemony of the Atlantic axis begins tocrack - all in the midst of an ambitious development project that haslasted for decades. decades, based on centralized planning in the State,the intensive exploitation of the working class, the elimination ofinternal opposition and with well-marked stages of development. ThePeople's Republic of China is already the largest industrial power inthe world and little by little it will become the largest economicpower. If it is not yet compared to the military power of Russia and theUS, it has made significant investments in this sector in recent years.In line with the above, China is transforming from a country with anindustry of cheap and second-rate industrial products, to a power withcutting-edge technology, opening its market, but incorporating advancedtechnologies and conditioning the development of its own technologies.In this context, sectors of the left feed an illusory vision of "Chinesesocialism", which in reality is state capitalism, placing this countryat the forefront of an anti-imperialist struggle.These are advances to confront the power of the United States, since atthe moment it is impossible to engage in war in the most classic formsor to try to dominate other countries by force. With projects such asthe New Silk Road, which is celebrating its first decade, China aims tointegrate countries, especially from the Global South, into a complexprocess that involves heavy investments in infrastructure and thetransfer of certain production to more than a hundred countries in theworld, especially in search of raw materials.If decades ago it was enough to co-opt local elites by the NorthAmerican Empire and the total submission of nations to plunderingregimes dictated by international organizations (such as theInternational Monetary Fund and the World Bank), today capitalism needsto reinvent itself. Without a doubt, at this stage of Chinese powerconsolidation, "partnership" is more strategic than directsubordination. Firstly, because he needs to face a power even greaterthan his own; and second because the characteristic of Chinesecapitalism requires these new relationships. Without a doubt there areadvances in the purchasing power of the population in the scenario ofthis new bloc, but in no way can we call it Socialism or we would beusing old concepts for new meanings.If the People's Republic of China triumphs and the United States isdefeated (a situation that will not arise for a few decades, as mostforecasts agree), relations will adapt to a new scenario.Another important issue is that the Empire will not see the collapse ofits influence without moving, which can generate attacks on countries(including Latin America) that threaten to take sides or, at least,leave the dollar in their international exchanges, for example .The Ukrainian War is an important milestone of these changes in thegeopolitical order. The Russian invasion of Ukraine expresses deeptensions between NATO led by the United States and the RussianFederation and their traditional zones of influence. Precisely, Russiais a country that, after the disastrous transition to the market in1990, decided to leave the area of neoliberal influence of the UnitedStates, seeking to invest in a recovery of its internal development,while continuing to affirm its imperial influence in Eastern Europe.East and the Caucasus as the second Chechen war showed in all brutality.In Russia under the authoritarian government of Putin, which has lastedfor more than two decades, right-wing imperial nationalism is combinedwith developmental aspects, seeking to overcome what it perceives as theera of international humiliation embodied in the Yeltsin government (whoparadoxically designated Putin as his successor), with a stronglyauthoritarian internal policy, contrary to national minorities,anti-lgbt and anti-popular.On the other hand, Ukraine deepened its international alignment with theEuropean Union and NATO, since the popular revolts of the Euromaiden of2014 against the Yanukovych government, events in which the radicalright played a major role, and which led to the occupation. RussianCrimea and the civil war in the east of the country. The internal wargenerated a situation of right-wing and nationalist exacerbation, whichled to the participation in Ukraine of neo-Nazi groups in sectors of thearmed forces and the government, as well as pro-Russian neo-fascistgroups in the separatist sectors.Europe assumes a position of total subordination to the interests of theinternational policy of the United States in a way that becomeshumiliating, with work in the cultural field so intense that contraryopinions, even in left-wing sectors, are quickly nullified.Sustaining a war that implies an increase in the cost of living, withinflation rates not seen for generations in Western Europe and thethreat of deindustrialization, in addition to the increase in the costof energy and basic goods, popular revolts are already perceived, commonin France, but not as common in England and Germany as those that havenot been seen in those countries for years.This is where one of the great dangers we face not only in Europe, butin other parts of the world, lies in the dispute for the hegemony ofinternational influence.For some years now, the revolt against worsening living conditions hasbeen led by the extreme right, which in many places has managed to stealthe anti-system discourse of the left, a tactic that we also witness inBrazil with some elements of propaganda. Bolsonaro, but also in the USwith Trump and Europe with Brexit, Afd and Le Pen, for example.The scenario presents us with consolidated conservative,ultranationalist and radical right-wing governments in Europe (such asin Hungary, Poland and Italy), as well as a growing movement in France,Spain, Portugal, among others. A true International of fascistintentions is organized throughout Europe, with its feet planted inseveral countries of the global south. Such parties and movements havebeen more or less successful in elections, depending on nationalcontexts, but they are consolidating themselves as first-order politicalforces and guide the discourse and co-opt parts of the oppressed classeseverywhere.This whole situation adds to the oldest internationalist struggles, suchas the increase in persecution, criminalization and violence againstmigrants, especially in Europe; invasions, murders and paramilitaryadvances against Zapatista territories in Chiapas; the blockades againstCuba and Venezuela; the systematic attacks on the glorious Rojavarevolution and the Kurdish territories by Turkey (a NATO member country,by the way); in addition to the tireless resistance of the Palestinianpeople against the apartheid regime, state terrorism and brutalcolonization, stronger and more violent every year, perpetrated by theZionist state with financial, logistical and institutional support fromthe West.They are all struggles and movements that we have to look at carefullyand move to understand their impacts. We stand in solidarity with thepeople and position ourselves in the comings and goings of events,attentive to the consequences for our territories and our ideology.Our Latin AmericaMeanwhile, in Latin America, misery and poverty increase, at the samerate as policies of resource extraction and plunder are deployed. Wehave the problem of water in Uruguay, a country that does not naturallylack water resources, but forestation, pulp plants and soy monocultureare consuming drinking water. For more than two months there was nodrinking water in the metropolitan area, but rather water with highlevels of sodium and chloride. Clear example of a policy of looting, inthis stage where the capitalist is clearly ecocidal and genocidal. Onthe other hand, the Uruguayan popular movement is preparing to start aplebiscite campaign in defense of social security and retirements,trying to maintain the retirement age within the previous limits andeliminate private insurance companies.In Argentina, the extraction and contamination of water, clearing,predation of fauna, monoculture, megamining, burning,  frackingand theuse of agrochemicals are part of the actions that this system uses totake over resources, progressively expelling the population from itsterritory to the margins of large cities, promoting poverty,unemployment and facilitating control and repression. Lithium appears asa resource desired by large energy multinationals. It was one of thereasons for the coup d'état in Bolivia in 2019, for the current Boulartedictatorship in Peru and its brutal repression with more than 60 deaths,the Morales "dictatorship" in Jujuy (Argentina) and its fiercerepression as well, with methods that recall dark periods in the historyof the continent.After seeing popular uprisings that bordered on insurrection in someplaces, they gave way to several leftist governments (or, moreprecisely, mostly center-left alliances), governments that did not andwill not give the response that the population wanted. - but quite theopposite, as in the Chilean case, in which the concertation that broughtBoric to the government now practices policies of austerity, increasedviolence and militarization of indigenous territories, to give just oneexample. In Argentina, today we are experiencing the consequences ofdecades of co-optation and adaptation of social and union movements bythe self-proclaimed progressive governments after the outbreak of 2001.The direction of parties to channel the struggle into electoral scams,with the "not doing the I play to the rightThis same population is courted by far-right movements that, as in otherplaces, have appropriated an anti-system discourse. The reformist lefttries to oppose it using the weapons it has been using in recentdecades: the legalistic discourse of respect for the Democratic State oflaw and an abstract defense of democratic ideals, evoking a moraldiscourse against fascism. In the case of Chile it is It is possiblethat Kast (far-right candidate) wins the next elections and even themuch-talked-about constitutional reform that Boric wants to approve atall costs is more reactionary than the current one prepared by thePinochet dictatorship.In Colombia, where a center-left government has also been installed, thefundamental axis is placed on reaching peace agreements with thedifferent guerrillas and timidly advancing in agrarian reform. The ELN(National Liberation Army) has been critical of previous processes(where there are thousands of deaths, including more than 350signatories of the Peace Agreement and around 1,534 social leaders), andintends to involve society as a whole in the debate , focusing on theurgent social needs that have historically motivated violence in thecountry. For their part, the paramilitary and drug trafficking groupsare not disarming nor are they going to surrender. The weight ofmilitary aid from the United States is strong there(with not distantantecedents in Plan Colombia since 2000) along with equipment, trainingand coverage of anti-guerrilla and "dirty war" actions that resulted inthousands of "false positives", that is, extrajudicial executions andmassacres of peasants and popular youth that the Colombian Army passedoff as confrontations with the guerrilla in its continuous campaign ofdisinformation and terrorism. It remains to be seen how the situationdevelops in Colombia, and especially what the right does in the face ofits past presidential defeat but gradual strengthening and activity inrecent months. The Colombian people have given a great lesson in dignityand combativeness in the mobilizations of 2021 and in previous instancesas well (2019 and 2020). There are important reserves there to continuebuilding a strong town,If we talk about Terrorism, Peru should take first place or one of thefirst right now. The "terruqueo" that is done from the institutions isconstant. We already saw it in the electoral campaign and it continuesnow before every popular mobilization. On July 19, the third march or"taking" of Lima took place. The government and the press insisted thatSendero Luminoso and the MRTA are active and generating"destabilization"; that the protest is admitted, but within what ispermitted. Clearly, the guerrilla in Peru is not active. It has sufferedsevere blows in the 90s, under the government of Fujimori, a sector thattoday governs and is, in fact, in power. The campaign is strong and isbased on incredible lies. Castillo was positioned as "a communist" inthe electoral campaign and that is why he has not been allowed to governand the coup d'état has occurred. Castillo is far from being veryleftist, capitalism and the Peruvian ruling classes do not tolerateanyone who is not reactionary. There is also a class and ethnic-racialissue there. Those at the top in Peru do not tolerate someone who comesfrom the social movement becoming president, nor do they toleratesomeone who is indigenous or mestizo. This would mean the social rise ofa fraction of the indigenous popular sectors (as has occurred inBolivia), which the Peruvian dominant classes - with a great colonialheritage - are not willing to tolerate or accept. Nor do they toleratethe mobilization of the popular sectors in protest of the Boluartedictatorship,For its part, in Ecuador the situation remains tense, to which is addedthe murder of a presidential candidate, presumably due to drugtrafficking. The peasant movement puts pressure on the government at thenegotiating table and mobilizes from time to time. We are talking aboutcountries where there were popular revolts. That is still present there.We said in previous materials that on our continent we have been in acycle of protests and revolts that has been open since 2019 and thatthis cycle has not yet closed. The people will continue to search in thestreets for solutions to distressing social problems and new politicalalternatives with class independence. Of these revolts we can clearlysay that they have been of broad popular participation, true "villages",where they have expressed themselves in the streets, fields and routesthe widest diversity of our people. A true Front of Oppressed Classes inaction, united by specific objectives and situations, articulated inbroad social spaces and coordination for the struggle. Much has beendone in recent years and this experience does not fall on deaf ears, itwill surely germinate with greater intensity.We can say that the alternatives are there: popular mobilization forsolutions to social problems, against authoritarianism, in the key ofResistance and against looting or the advancement of the most retrogradeconceptions, in some cases, purely fascist. We cannot deny that largesectors of the population do not find a solution to their problems byasking for respect for the system and many fall into the "siren song" offascism and the extreme right, which have ample means for theirdissemination, plus the clear support of USA, expressed clearly by theChief of the Southern Command. The influence of the extreme right variesin Latin America, there are countries where the most liberal right stillhas more influence, such as Uruguay, and others, such as Brazil, whereat least 20% of the population is highly influenced by fascist ideas.The rates of development in each country of this phenomenon and othersvary and are different. But there is an advance of authoritarian ideasthat is undeniable in the region, as we pointed out, it occurs in Europeand other parts of the planet. The right, the ruling classes and theNorth American empire are not going to sit still and will continueworking to deepen their domination over the area and ideologicallycontrol our people as well.Although it is not the majority, it is undoubtedly a part of thepopulation that has mobilized in recent years in several countries,including actions of vandalism, invasions and a discourse aligned withradical appearance, promoted by extreme right-wing sectors. In thisscenario, we must be honest with ourselves: the influence of therevolutionary left is minimal. On the other hand, the institutional"left" and center-left do not confront nor do they want to confront thefascist and reactionary sectors. They take care of their chance of beinga government by capturing the vote of the same social sectors. The caseof Brazil is clear: an important sector of the population voted for Lulain the past, then for Bolsonaro, now again for Lula...But fascism andcoups d'état are not stopped at the polls,Something similar happens in Argentina, in a context of poverty growingto unsustainable levels (one in every two children is poor) and on theverge of hyperinflation, the political scene is crossed by provincialand national elections. Where the PASO (mandatory simultaneous openprimaries) placed right-wing candidates in first and second place, withprivatization proposals, labor flexibility and profound adjustmentsadded to a pro-"hard hand" discourse, denying the last dictatorship. Inthird place is the candidate of the current government, who decided inrecent weeks to abruptly devalue the Argentine peso, acceleratinginflation and, thus, once again making those below pay the consequencesof the current economic and social situation. The surprise of the "Mileiphenomenon" among the political militancy and middle sectors is directlyproportional to the distance from the grassroots constructions of thepopular sectors. The passivity of numerous union leaders and socialmovements also did their job. The "truce" offered toAlberto-Cristina-Massa by these leaders ends up exposing a socialclimate and discontent that was channeled by reactionary sectors, whichin turn compete to see who has the recipe to accelerate the adjustmentagainst the people. . Meanwhile, in each neighborhood, drug traffickingand social violence advance, engulfing the lives of our kids, while thefight between the poor against the poor deepens, well reflected in theilluminating 2010 FAU document "Fragmentation and the new poverty."At the same time in the workplace, in addition to the constant - andexhausting - fight for the reopening of joint ventures, a scenario oflayoffs and suspensions is being foreseen, within the framework of anadjustment demanded by the employers' chambers, which has as a corollarya labor reform. All this problem must be raised by militancy. Incountries like Brazil, to take an example, 20% of the populationresponds to fascist or reactionary conceptions, but on the other hand,we cannot forget that 30% of the population (which would be influencedby the progressive and leftist camp) It is not a small number, but apolicy of revolutionary intention needs to radicalize at least a part ofthis population towards a left-wing anti-system discourse. Without falsemodesty, anarchists have a role to play in that process. Not everythingdepends on our efforts, but we have a lot to do and be able to bettertake advantage of favorable situations of mobilization and people in thestreets. Regardless of the governments that rise and fall, it isessential to redouble the militant efforts of the sectors or currentsthat, One way or another we long for a society without oppressors andoppressed. Energy must be put at the service of organized resistance.Everything else is to continue avoiding the underlying problem and fallinto that "corral of branches" that are the elections, as old Mechosoliked to call it. We must humbly realize that the only way out is tostrengthen popular organizations,Therefore, it is essential to sustain the work of insertion in thedifferent social fronts, enhancing popular protagonism within theframework of a strategy for building Popular Power in all its possibleforms. If the people are the protagonists of the struggles, it will bemore difficult for the "magical" proposals to appear from above and havethe centrality that the system grants them. A strong people is thebuilder of its destiny, that is why our strategy is People's Power andthe Front of Oppressed Classes.CONTINUE THE FIGHTS ON THE STREETS AND IN THE FIELDS, ON THE ROADS ANDIN THE FACTORIES, IN THE NEIGHBORHOODS AND IN THE STUDY CENTERSTO RESIST THE ADVANCE OF THE RIGHT AND EXTREME RIGHT!!FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF POPULAR POWER!!VICTORY IS IN THE HAND OF THOSE WHO FIGHT!!UP THOSE WHO FIGHT!!!Latin American Anarchist Coordination (CALA)Uruguayan Anarchist Federation (FAU)Anarchist Federation of Rosario (FAR, Argentina)Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB)Sister organizations:Anarchist Organization of Tucumán (OAT, Argentina)Anarchist Organization of Córdoba (OAC, Argentina)Anarchist Organization of Santa Cruz (OASC, Argentina)Libertarian Group Vía Libre (Colombia)https://federacionanarquistauruguaya.uy/analisis-de-coyuntura-latinoamericana-cala/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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