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dinsdag 31 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE CZECH TURKEY KURDISTAN ROJAVA SYRIA News Journal Update - (en) Czech, AFED: In solidarity against Turkish war crimes in Syria (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 RiseUp4Rojava's warning from a new wave of murderous attacks by the

Turkish military against the Syrian Kurds ---- To all supporters of theKurdish liberation struggle, anti-fascists, socialists, feminists,anarchists, communists, environmentalists and those who strive for abetter world: ---- Turkey has launched what is probably the mostextensive bombing campaign northeast Syria has ever faced. From October5 to 9, Turkey carried out more than 30 airstrikes, mainly in the Cizîreand Kobanê area. These airstrikes targeted vehicles, villages, andespecially critical civilian infrastructure, including oil and powerfacilities and gas stations, resulting in civilian casualties andcasualties among internal security forces. There was a complete blackoutin large areas, leaving many hospitals, bakeries and other criticalpublic institutions without electricity. The attacks continued on themorning of October 9, when the Corona Hospital and the power plant weretargeted, and they continue[we recommend following the social networksof the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution in Rojava].Despite the obvious war crimes, there has been no response from theinternational community.The attacks followed threats by Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidanagainst the self-governing region. The pretext for these threats was asuicide attack on October 1 against one of the numerous institutions ofthe Ministry of Interior in Ankara. In the process, two police officerswere wounded and both militants involved, who belong to the People'sDefense Units (HPG), the fighting wing of the Kurdistan Workers' Party(PKK). The Turkish Foreign Minister stated that the attackers came fromnortheastern Syria, justifying these attacks on "all infrastructure,structures and energy facilities" in Syria and Iraq in particular.Understanding these attacks requires avoiding oversimplification, suchas framing them as mere "revenge for Ankara," as presented by theTurkish state, or normalizing them, as some media and institutions closeto imperial states do. Instead, it makes sense to see them as part of awider military campaign organized by the Turkish authorities in whatappears to be the creation of a new Ottoman Empire. These attacks cannotbe seen in isolation from the war in the mountains of southernKurdistan, torture in Turkish prisons or attacks on journalists,politicians and youth in northern Kurdistan.The remarkable resistance to this plan of occupation and genocideremains unmissable. This resistance includes the steadfastness ofguerrilla units in the mountains of Kurdistan and the democraticinitiatives undertaken by people in southern and northern Kurdistan,Iraq and Armenia. At the core of this resistance are the people ofnortheastern Syria who are building democratic structures in the harshconditions of war.All democratic and anti-war forces are vital in this resistance andshould unite against these attacks. However, simply reacting to them isnot enough. Turkish fascism, its collaborators and supporters, whereverthey may be, must be actively confronted.We call on all solidarity groups, individuals and initiatives toactively oppose Turkey's attacks and international complicity and to actdecisively to stop Turkey's war crimes. Let's take the war back to thosewho are responsible for it, the speculators, companies and governments!Let's rise together against the attacks on Rojava and Northeast Syria.United we will defend the revolution!Let's stand up for Rojava!Let's destroy Turkish fascism!#RiseUp4RojavaSource:https://freedomnews.org.uk/2023/10/09/stand-in-solidarity-against-turkish-war-crimes-in-syria/https://www.afed.cz/text/8028/solidaritou-proti-tureckym-valecnym-zlocinum-v-syrii_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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