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maandag 2 oktober 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE SPAIN News Journal Update - (en) Spaine, LutaFob: (CNT) A Class Program in the Face of Collapse (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We need to empower ourselves as a class and build our own institutions,

"our" proletarian, functional and efficient institutions. ---- Writtenby Genís Ferrero, Secretary of Union Action at CNT Vallès Oriental. ----Originally published on the El Salto Blog on 09/11/2023https://www.elsaltodiario.com/el-blog-de-el-salto/programa-clase-social-colapso-capitalista---- Translated by a FOBCE activist ---- Recently, several studies,essays and articles have been published that address the issue of thefuture of our societies in the face of the current economic cycle andthe various coinciding crises that we have been experiencing. Without adoubt, these contributions must be received with total interest andcritical spirit, since the diversity of contexts today must make us seethe need for their study and, above all, their critical opposition fromthe perspective of the emancipation of humanity.Thus, from heterodox economic literature to scientific analyzes on thebiophysical limits of the economy should serve us to better understandthe possibilities, but also the limitations that our societies face inthe current phase of capitalism. The horizons that point to theincapacities of current State models must help us to understand that thepossibility of human emancipation cannot occur under them.However, far from determinisms that lead us to understand a collapse ofcapitalism on its own in the face of these scenarios of war, economiccrisis, climate emergency, scarcity of raw materials, etc.; Weunderstand that this system based on the exploitation of man by man willnot disappear. Denying the political capacity of human beings to makedecisions that allow them to transform their present would lead us tofall into a defeatist nihilism or to abandon ourselves to a destinypredetermined by historical or divine laws.Providing ourselves with the ethical and political determination to actin favor of emancipation will inevitably imply analyzing our context andreality beyond any idealistic proclamation. From this perspective, theNational Confederation of Labor (CNT) analyzed these issues in December2022 at its XII Confederal Congress held in Canovelles (Barcelona).The first of these contexts is one in which revolutionary organizationshave such a correlation of forces that they have the possibility of"assaulting" political power, but not without facing all thedifficulties and complexities that this implies. The second scenario weunderstand arises when revolutionary organizations respond to an attackby the dominant classes and, in the course of this struggle, areovercome with the implementation of their program.We are aware that no analysis involves a foolproof recipe, nor can thescenarios listed above be given perfectly or independently of someelements of other scenarios. Thus, for example, no assault on power canhave signs of success against a State that is not in crisis thatoriginated previously.The third scenario we believe to be the most plausible in the currentcontext and, given the correlation of forces in our society, we will tryto explain it briefly.The current economic situation, which we pointed out at the beginning ofthis text, is accelerating the limits of state institutions to guaranteecertain standards of living for the population. These limits thatalready existed, and whose analysis questioned the very definition of"welfare state", are being expanded in the current phase of capitalaccumulation. This situation, we understand, will worsen and graduallythe State will no longer assume part of its functions, provide part ofits services to the population or will no longer be present in theterritory as we have come to understand. This situation of collapse thathas been warned from several areas has its most recent precedent in2021, in the middle of the pandemic.We understand that this "abandonment" occurs when, deliberately or dueto incapacity, the State fails to provide or assume certain services orinfrastructures that are not essential for maintaining the economy ineach context. In this way, a growing portion of the population isprogressively excluded from the basic elements for their survival andreproduction, such as housing, health, employment, etc.In these contexts, far from assuming that worse is better, potentialalso opens up for revolutionary organizations, occupying this sphere ofaction and implementing structures of mutual support andself-management. This type of direct action that historically developedmovements like the Black Panthers in the USA in the late 1960s, to givean example far from anarcho-syndicalism, or from the labor andlibertarian movement itself that in our country implemented a network ofclass institutions during the first third of the 20th century.Implementing this response capacity, and replacing it with institutionsindependent of the State, based on solidarity and mutual support, willlogically depend on having reached a sufficient level of training andperformance. If we do not want this type of response to be spontaneous,disappearing as soon as the most difficult moments of each crisis pass,we must be able to create organization in capital letters by linking itto an ideology and general program that visualizes a global alternativein this society.We believe that capitalism will not disappear in the face of thiscollapse by itself, history shows us the adaptability that Capital hasto develop in absolutely changing contexts, even in the absence of theState as we know it today in our country. Despite this, asanarcho-syndicalists, we do not accept that it is possible to "wait" forthe creation of "suitable" opportunities to start acting, but that wemust anticipate and build organization.This task has two dimensions, on the one hand the strengthening of ourunion model through strategic resources that were approved in Congresssuch as the Confederal Resistance Fund, the consolidation of theConfederative Technical Cabinet, the creation and strengthening ofEmployment Exchanges and Control Employment Union with the reinforcementand support of company-to-company Collective Negotiation, social actionamong the most precarious sections of the working class, as well as thestudy and promotion of alternative forms of economy.The other dimension lies in militancy, commitment and the ability to"infect" the rest as much as possible that not only does the union helpto alleviate their material situation, but that there is a globalalternative and that everyone is needed to develop it. Pretending todevelop self-management structures like the ones we mentioned, they needmaterial resources, but also the help of many people who contributetheir support, but also their knowledge.We need to empower ourselves as a class and build our own institutions,"our" proletarian, functional and efficient institutions, putting ourexperience and knowledge as workers to build everything that allows usto live, reproduce and socialize as human beings, creating alternativesthat overcome the state of things.We value more than they want us to believe, but it is urgent to moveforward.https://lutafob.org/cnt-um-programa-de-classe-diante-do-colapso/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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