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zaterdag 30 december 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) Greece, APO: Mobilizations of solidarity with the 12-year-old from Colonos & her family (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


On January 8, the trial begins for the case of the 12-year-oldschoolgirl from Colonos, another horrific case of sexual abuse andtrafficking that came to light almost a year ago. The handling of thisparticular case, like dozens of others by the state and civil justice,confirms the catalytic role of institutions in the cultivation,reproduction and concealment of patriarchal violence, since all thistime, the state and its institutions seem not to they show no interestin the girl's mental and physical health, nor in the progress of thecase - instead they use every means available to cover up the facts andintimidate the girl and her family into blackmailing them into silence.The child was effectively interrogated, dragged to security and to thecourts, without any care befitting both his age and the fact that he isa victim of human trafficking. The media dogged the mother, with all thepatriarchal stereotypes that want the woman to blame, but which inessence condemn her as a poor woman who had to work all day to raiseeight children, offered scandalous coverage to the 200 plus involved inthe ring.When the child's mother went to the police to report the child abuserIlias Michos, a person with political connections in the ruling party ofNew Democracy and with relations with the police, who abused andextradited the 12-year-old, the authorities not only let time pass, butthey gave him every opportunity, both he and his wife - a politician inthe Municipality of Athens, to try to terrorize and buy off the mother,promising that she would pay otherwise. Precisely because she refusedthe redemption, she herself was targeted, arrested, denounced as guilty,still held in Korydallos prisons and referred to trial, while from thebeginning the girl declares that his mother knew nothing.All the handling of the state mechanisms seemed to implement the threatsof Michos, who threatened the 12-year-old not to speak because otherwisehe would destroy her family! The child is actually being punished today(as well as her siblings and mother), since from the moment she revealedwhat she suffered at the hands of child rapists, she found herselflosing her mother, being separated from her siblings, being denied eventhe prison visits, maximizing a mental and material torture. Inaddition, after the address where she temporarily resides by the thenminister D. Michailidou became known, she has been attacked with aknife, her house watched and other threats. The 12-year-old girl waslast attacked at the end of October by the trafficking ring that rapedand extradited her, when a 37-year-old man approached her whilereturning from school by bus and threatened her that if she continued totestify against his members circuit, she will harm herself, her siblingsand her family. Although the perpetrator was arrested because of thegirl's immediate reaction, his details were concealed and he was released.It is obvious that the aim of all these methods is to blackmail thesilence of the victims, not only in this case, but also in any other,since the message is clear: Anyone who speaks will be psychologicallydestroyed, will be dragged to the courts, will be hanged on the gallows, it will be a stronghold of mobsters, without any protection.Murderers, Rapists, Serial Rapists, Mobsters & drug traffickers enjoygovernment protection & of justice. The mechanisms of bourgeois justice,a class and patriarchal "justice", which is there to prosecute & toimprison those & those who resist state-capitalist brutality, whichcondemns thousands of the poor and marginalized to confinement in prisoncells, are part of a system that promotes social cannibalism,patriarchal and generally authoritarian violence, protecting thepowerful and their crimes, terrorizing and throwing into the fire ofcannibalism all who dare to question it.With the trial set to begin on 8/1/24, and after the recent will, whichadds new charges to the mother and lightens the indictment for Micho, wehave every reason to be vigilant. To raise with our solidarity, thepower of our voice and movements a wall against child rapists and thestate that covers them up and at the same time to weave a net ofsolidarity for the 12-year-old and her family, who at this moment,without any other economic , social and psychological care beyond thatof solidarity, are still faced with the circuit and its interconnections.We know that this is another battle, against the trafficking rings, thepolice involved and the political power that covers it up, as in thecase of the child rapist Lignadis who was released after his convictionfor rape, as with the undisclosed release of the police officer Buyoukouin the case trafficking of Ilioupoli (where members of the same ringthat extradited the 12-year-old also participated), and who today, afterthe court decision, continues to threaten the girls he extradited, aswith the rapists of A.T. Omonias who walk free, as with the long-termabuse and rape of a woman from Cameroon by another police officerinvolved in the trafficking mafia.We know very well that gender-based violence is systemic, institutionaland an integral part of modern totalitarianism. It is part of therepressive violence of the state to terrorize the oppressed, of classviolence against the outcasts. We have no illusions about urban justice,the police, the state and its institutions, knowing that all thesedimensions are not deviations but compose a message: That our lives, ourbodies, the lives and bodies of the poor, of people without access toeconomic and political power, they are expendable, they are a commodityin circuits of modern slavery, which operate undisturbed, under theprotection of the authorities, precisely because they are part of themechanisms of power and the way of imposing on the social body.However, we will fight this battle with all our strength, knowing alsothat its outcome must be a hope for every child, for every woman whowants to break the silence, it must be the collective response to fear.Because the only thing that can crush injustice is our solidarity, ourvoice, our action, the collective struggle...Saturday December 16Athens: Gathering & course | Metro Sepolia | 12.00thes/win: Rally | St. Sophia & Hermou | 11.00STATE-MME-COPS-JUDICIAL AUTHORITYEVERYONE COVERING EVERY RUSSIANAGAINST THE STATE, CAPITALISM AND PATRIARCHYFIGHT FOR MANAGERSHIP AND ANARCHYGroup Against Patriarchy | Anarchist Political Organizationhttps://apo.squathost.com/kinitopiisis-allilengiis-stin-12chroni-apo-ton-kolono-tin-ikogenia-tis-omada-enantia-stin-patriarchia/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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