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zondag 31 december 2023

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL press release: Loi Darmanin, the voice of his master RN (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The "Asylum and Immigration" law, known as the "Darmanin law", waspassed. The government wants people to believe that this text owesnothing to the RN. It's wrong. The RN voted for it but, above all, theRN inspired it. Macron's five-year term marks the victory of the farright: the institutional and legislative validation of its xenophobicfantasies, completely out of step with the reality of immigration. ----Whatever the future of this law, whether it is promulgated as is orwhether its most xenophobic and anti-democratic provisions are set asideby the Constitutional Council, a step has been taken. Jordan Bardellaand Marine Le Pen recognize this with unrestrained pleasure: theadoption of this text is an "ideological victory": end of automatic landlaw, reinstatement of the offense of illegal residence, deprivation ofsocial benefits, automation of OQTF, establishment of migration quotasset by Parliament, tightening of reception, accommodation and studyconditions for all foreigners. François Hollande caused a scandal bymentioning it in 2015, the loss of nationality is now legal, for anyFrench binational guilty of murder of a person holding public authority.This text marks a serious step in the fascistization of French politicallife. It marks the death of the last remnants of the "republican" right,definitively under the control of the National Rally. He is the symbolof a liberal government which has given in to the demands of the farright to remain in power. It demonstrates the ineffectiveness of theparliamentary route alone and of a so-called "republican arc" to defendthe interests of our class via a minority parliamentary left, incapableof counterbalancing this seemingly inexorable march towards a fascistpower. And this is only the beginning, in order to have an agreement thePrime Minister did not hesitate to haggle over the AME, which she plansto reform in January.Worse, republican institutions have proven today that they can serve asa stepping stone for the extreme right in order to strengthen its ideas,whether or not it is in government. The far right does not smooth overthe exercise of power and "normalization", on the contrary it is apoison that contaminates its environment.Faced with this filthy Darmanin law, our only possibility is to lead anintense anti-racist and anti-fascist mobilization, united, popular andunited, at all levels and over the long term. Alongside collectives ofundocumented immigrants, unions, anti-fascist organizations, within theAnti-racism and Solidarity campaign, we will have to fight tirelesslyagainst the march of fascisation and its uninhibited racism. To protectthose we meet daily in our places of work and life from the futureeffects of this law, it will be necessary to build networks ofresistance and concrete solidarity.The extreme right, street or institutional, must be fought everywhere,all the time. Today, more than anything, solidarity is our weaponagainst racism and fascism.Libertarian Communist Union, December 20, 2023.https://unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Loi-Darmanin-la-voix-de-son-maitre-RN_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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