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dinsdag 2 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE BRAZIL News Journal Update - (en) Brazil, Luta FOB: Operation Summer in Rio: Racism and Elitism By SIGA-RJ (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Eduardo Paes (PSD) and Cláudio Castro (PL) reveal (once again) theirtrue racist and elitist face behind the mask of popular and gospelsinger. ---- The civil police began to "preventively" arrest young blackand peripheral people in what became known as "Operation Summer" ----The mayor and governor's claim is that the presence of these youngpeople on the streets would threaten the "right to come and go" (of richwhite people) on the city streets. Even without a crime or any evidenceof a crime, the State gives itself the right to kidnap young black andperipheral people just for daring to walk the streets of the South Zonewithout money or documents, aiming to maintain the "order" of racialapartheid in the city.The judiciary had first prohibited the operation, recognizing its clearviolation of the population's rights, after all, in legal theory thepolice could only arrest someone either in flagrante delicto or as aresult of some judicial measure.However, after Paes' request, the "justice" reversed itself, releasingthe police forces for their role of excessive violence.In the name of the "security" of the elites, the rights of the poor andblack people as soon as they turn to dust under the democracy of therich. Editorial from Jornal O Globo, spokesperson for the ruling andcolonialist class of Rio and Rio de Janeiro, defends such a measure.Paes may try to sell an image of being popular, but that is just hisimage. Its political practice revisits racist practices as old asBrazil, founded on the violence of slavery and genocide. Castro onlyuses the people's faith to get elected.Bourgeois democracy also has only an image of "rights" and "freedom",its real face is the most brutal violence against black people and thepoor. All in the name of defending the power and private property of theruling classes, camouflaged as "defending the security" of thepopulation. True security will arise from everyone having their basicneeds met, and not from bars and riflesFor the end of the police!For the self-defense of black and working people!Down with the democracy of the rich!Rio de Janeiro, SIGA - RJhttps://lutafob.org/operacao-verao-no-rio-racismo-e-elitismo/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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