As early as March, demonstrations against the mega-basin construction
project in Sainte Soline had been banned by the Deux-Sèvres prefecture.Dozens of prohibition orders followed during the pension reform periodbetween April and June. Even the march in memory of Adama Traoré in Julywas banned due to the context of the revolts following the death ofNahel in Nanterre. ---- Then came the demonstrations in support of thePalestinians, almost all of which were banned following a message fromthe sinister Darmanin, dated October 12, specifying: "Pro-Palestiniandemonstrations, because they are likely to generate unrest 'publicorder, must be prohibited'. The Palestine Action Committee then mountedan appeal to the Council of State which was rejected even though itruled against the systematic ban on these demonstrations.Despite these bans, most of these demonstrations still took place with adeluge of cops, arrests, police custody and fines of at least EUR135. Sowhat to do?The coordination against repression and police violence Paris-IDFproposes to collectively refuse to give one's identity. "The more of usthere are, the more difficult or even impossible it is for the cops tocontrol everyone and issue tickets immediately.If I arrive at the police station for an identity check, I will considergiving it. In this way we collectively save time and stop the repressivemachine! If you are ever fined, you can contest the fine. Don't pay itif you plan to contest it. On the Internet you can find different basesfor contesting fines for prohibited demonstrations, and thiscoordination offers to hold a workshop for writing fine contestations.There are 45 days from the time you receive the paper fine to contest.Everyone must send their protest personally, but collective action canbe taken when you are summoned to the police court if your dispute hasnot been accepted.»Sources:,, coordination against repressionand police violence (telephone number: 07 52 95 71 11, email the immediate security and repressive response - nearly 1,800people were notably sentenced to prison terms for acts linked to theriots - the President of the Republic had promised the "return of'authority, at each level, and first of all in the family'.In front of an audience of 250 mayors concerned by these revolts linkedto the assassination of Nahel, Élisabeth Borne announced on October 26 aseries of repressive and scandalous measures after this summer's revoltin the suburbs against police violence. Among the measures of thisso-called "anti-riot" plan: force families to pay for the damage theirchild is suspected of, or even impose "community service" sentences onthem. Borne also announced huge fines of EUR750 for non-compliance withthe "curfew". The curfew is already a scandalous measure used in timesof war and now applied in the event of riots. This involves furtherrepressing those who disobey. We can also imagine the use of thismeasure in the event of new health, security or other curfews... Thepartnership between justice and the army will also be "strengthened" todevelop defense classes in closed educational centers, the carrying outof work of general interest within military units and militarysupervision systems.The possibility of banning minors from social networks for a period ofup to six months, mentioned by the Minister of Justice, already appearsin the bill currently being adopted aimed at securing and regulating thedigital space, carried by the Minister responsible for digitaltransition and telecommunications.Sources: and contre-attack.netOn November 9, the Council of State canceled this dissolution decided bythe Council of Ministers on June 21. On the other hand, the Council ofState validated three other dissolutions targeting the organizationAntifascist Group Lyon and surroundings (GALE), dissolved in March 2022,the small far-right group from Angers L'Alvarium, dissolved in November2021, and the Coordination against Racism and Islamophobia, dissolved inOctober 2021. The GALE has already announced that it is continuing thelegal fight by referring "to European judges to remind the Council ofState what a fundamental freedom is" (extract from the GALE press release)All of these dissolutions were examined at a substantive hearing onOctober 27. The decision on the Earth Uprisings was the most anticipatedbecause this dissolution was the first to target an environmentalistorganization. It was also the first time that such a vast movement - theSLT claims 150,000 activists and affiliated people, even if they have noofficial legal existence - was targeted.Furthermore, confirmation of the dissolution would have had a seriousand immediate impact on the associative world insofar as the EarthUprisings were not dissolved for having directly caused violence ordamage, but for having "provoked violence targeting property", underarticle L212-1 of the internal security code, reformed by the"separatism" law of August 2021. Such an extension of the domain ofdissolution could have concerned, in the long term, many other actors,such as Right to Housing (DAL), lots of other associations even de facto(not declared by the law of 1901) even union sections and unions. Whatexactly does the "separatism" law say? "All associations or de factogroups are dissolved, by decree in the Council of Ministers: 1° Whichprovoke armed demonstrations or violent acts against people or property;This first paragraph is enough for those in power to attempt to dissolveany collective carrying out actions to destroy property (buildings underconstruction, "Large useless projects" etc.)Note that under Macron 34 associations were subject to dissolution (theabsolute record since the birth of the 5th Republic in 1958), only one,to date, has seen its dissolution canceled by the Council of State "theUprisings of Earth ".Sources: lemonde.frThe majority of funds collected on Livrets A and LDDS (60%) are used bythe Caisse des Dépôts, which finances social housing with the first, andgreen projects such as energy renovations with the second. The rest goesto credit institutions, which re-inject this money into the developmentor creation of SMEs. But those in the armaments sector do not reallybenefit from it. The money lying dormant in some of our regulatedsavings accounts should further finance the defense industry! Anamendment along these lines was actually adopted in the 2024 financebill, passed to the National Assembly this Tuesday, November 7, 2023following the use of 49-3 by the government. Tabled by deputies ThomasGassilloud, Christophe Plassard and Jean-Louis Thiériot, it aims todirect part of the outstanding Livret A and the Sustainable andSolidarity Development Booklet (LDDS) towards the financing of armscompanies. In his March 23 report, Christophe Plassard wrote that "banksand financial institutions are increasingly reluctant to finance thedefense industry, for fear of seeing their reputation tarnished." Forthis Horizon MP, "Mobilizing the savings of the French would make itpossible to involve citizens in the implementation of the war economyand therefore to strengthen the moral forces of the Nation." This hasthe merit of being clear and is part of the "war economy" decreed inJune 2022 by the Head of State: In the event of a high intensityconflict, E. Macron wants to mobilize economic actors likely tocontribute to defense....Sources:, Ouest-France, humanity....Over the past five years, more than 35 people have been injured and onekilled by bullet launcher fire. The LBD is a weapon used by the policeand gendarmes since the early 2000s, replacing the flashball, whichappeared at the end of the 1990s. Equipped with a 40 millimeter barrel,this rifle fires rubber bullets at more 250 km/hour (more than 73m/second). The Ministry of the Interior describes the LBD as an"intermediate force weapon", even though it is classified as "categoryA2", i.e. war material, alongside rocket launchers in particular. Aclassification which leaves little doubt of its lethality.Ministerial instructions from August 2017 specify that "the shooterprimarily targets the torso as well as the lower limbs", targeting thehead apparently being prohibited. As recalled in a note from theMinistry of the Interior addressed to all law enforcement agencies, inFebruary 2019, authorized officials must use the LBD, according to theframework provided by the Penal Code and that of internal security. ,"in strict compliance with the principles of necessity andproportionality". Except in cases of self-defense, that is to say whenthe agent, one of his colleagues or a third person is physicallythreatened, warnings must precede the shooting, which must be done at aregulatory distance, below in which the risks of damage areirreversible. But what is this distance?Mediapart journalists investigated. Finally the Ministry of the Interiorlowered the regulatory distance from 10 meters to 3 meters, that is tosay almost point blank. A decision that the gendarmerie would haveadvised not to follow? Amazing!?Remember that in Europe, France is, with Greece and Poland, one of therare countries to use it.Source: Médiapart.frIt is "the global event for the safety and internal security of States":in short, arms manufacturers from different countries exhibit all theirweapons, their technologies dedicated to maintaining order, to thesecurity of people and goods that they develop with the aim of sellingthem to the States of the planet. Among the exhibitors and participantswe find companies like Alsetex and Nobelsport, which supply most of theweapons used by cops in France, but also around fifty Israeli companies...In France, this market represents 130,000 jobs and 4,000 companies witha turnover of more than 30 billion euros, more than half of which isexported.This market is growing and growing three times faster than the country'seconomy. At the global level, the security market represented 600billion euros in 2020, the outlook for 2029 would be 1,000 billion euros.For several years, the show has included a conference section, whichaims to bring together French and international experts to discuss statesecurity issues, in a context of globalization which requires thinkingabout issues of protection and interdependence. In the context of theOlympic Games being held in France in 2024, the government wantedMilipol to focus its conferences around this theme.A rally took place on Wednesday the 15th under a banner "Stop armingIsrael" in front of the entrance "to impose the ceasefire and put an endto the arming of the genocide of the Gazans!"» To date, we have not hada report on this initiativeSources; Paris-luttes.infos, le, etc.The National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL)announced on November 15 the launch of an inspection of the Ministry ofthe Interior relating to its use of video surveillance analysissoftware. The day before, the Disclose site revealed, based on internalpolice documents, that the latter had been using software provided bythe Israeli company Briefcam since 2015. In particular, it makes itpossible to automatically recognize, on video surveillance images, avehicle using its license plate or a person based on their clothing orfacial recognition.However, the use of this software by law enforcement has not even beendeclared to the CNIL, according to Disclose. Furthermore, according tothe media, the work to assess its impact on data protection, althoughmandatory, has not been carried out. "Some services have the Briefcamtool, but as this has not been declared to the CNIL, it seems preferablenot to talk about it," admitted a police officer quoted by Disclose, oncondition of anonymity.Briefcam is not the only industrialist working with French lawenforcement: as Le Monde wrote in 2019, the Toulouse police collaboratedwith the Australian company Brainchip to analyze video surveillanceimages as part of legal investigations .More than simple video surveillance but not quite facial recognition:This type of service - recognizing an individual on the basis of theiroutfit for example - has long fallen into legal uncertainty that theCNIL has regularly requested to specify. With this monitoring, the dataprotection authority may be able to shed light on what law enforcementhas done in this gray area.Sources: and disclose.ngo - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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