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woensdag 31 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #345 - Spotlight: Forced labor for RS beneficiaries (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Fifteen hours of minimum activity per week for RSA beneficiaries, theirspouses and probably soon anyone registered with Pôle emploi: thegeneralization of forced labor! ---- Since the end of the 1990s and themass increase in unemployment, the political and economic powers,supported by a few social partners prone to betrayal, have continued tohold the unemployed responsible for their situation. So of course, withthe creation of France Travail, the government is obviously determinedto strengthen the arsenal of sanctions that will be available to operators.In April, Thibaut Guilluy, at the time High Commissioner for Employmentand Business Engagement, new boss of France Travail, clearly announcedthe forced activity of 15 to 20 hours per week for RSA recipients. Thebrutalization of the economic system is reaching new heights!While the RSA was considered a solidarity income and attempted a vaguesocial compromise in the face of the inexorable massification ofunemployment structurally imposed by the irrationality of the capitalistsystem, it is now considered the ultimate blackmail of senselesseconomic slavery!But if the government is able to provide forced labor to populations insufficient difficulty to try to survive with the RSA, why and how doesit not do fairly paid work within the framework of a legally recognizedcontract? The discourse then evolved: backpedaling on the theme ofactivity, the minimum 15 hours became job search procedures, trainingactions or company internships.The government's approach remains the same: providing businesses withunderpaid workers, a process consistent with all the reforms of the FullEmployment Objective.Spouses also affectedRemember that according to the research department of evaluation studiesand statistics (Dress), 40% of RSA beneficiaries are hampered in theirjob search efforts for health reasons, and 30% due to concerns aboutmobility: hearing that they don't even know how to afford a bus ticket!After six months of experimentation in 18 departments on the new supportfor RSA beneficiaries, there are no convincing results concerning theincrease in the rate of return to employment, but we note that a quarterof the beneficiaries participating in it were sanctioned, even thoughthe sanctions linked to the 15 hours of activity have not yet been applied!But the infamy does not stop there: the spouses of the beneficiarieswill be affected! You read correctly: spouses! It remains to be seen howthis obligation will be implemented, but this obviously opens the doorto interference in the private domain and the family sphere worthy ofthe most authoritarian states.The icing on the cake is that the text of the law remains vague enoughto be generalized when the time comes to all unemployed peopleregistered with Pôle emploi!The text provides, via article 2, a minimum of 15 hours of weeklyactivity for any person "registered on the list of job seekers with theoperator France Travail", after study of their individual situation. Asit stands, we are facing a potential and tragic generalization of forcedlabor for all employees deprived of employment.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Travail-force-pour-les-beneficiaires-du-RSA_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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