A bad "same" time - The end of the years is conducive to retrospectives,
and everyone uses their 2023 assessment to anticipate the trends of2024. This ritual glance in the rearview mirror sometimes allows us todiscern what was important in the past year. Because the flow and rhythmof information tend to dilute and level the events which follow oneanother and are erased under the media flow of continuous images. Thenews is like a river in flood, which overflows onto artificial lands,floods, soaks, destroys... to ultimately leave only a flood of mud andstagnant water. A situation that the populations of Pas-de-Calais andCharentes know all too well, as explained by our comrades fromBoulogne-sur-Mer (p. 21).For the past year this question of water has been at the center ofecological and climatic issues, with the fight against basins but alsodue to autumn precipitation. It will remain just as much, because it isabout not leaving control of water to capitalists (p. 22). And it is notthe climate conference which has just ended in Dubai which will help us.While the final call dedicates an "energy transition away from fossilfuels", we learn "at the same time" that the oil production of theUnited States has never been so important as in 2023, and that for 2024the OPEC countries estimate that demand will increase by 2.25 millionbarrels per day. Enough to make profits and revenues to continue toconcrete the desert, without hindrance from Dubai to Riyadh.We will therefore need much more than four days against concrete,whatever the satisfactions following the actions carried out fromDecember 9 to 12, to break with the energy-consuming and deadly trendsof the Capitalocene. Canceling the dissolution of the Earth Uprisingscan help us do this. But it must not make us forget that democraticterrorization[1]remains on the agenda, as the verdict of the "8/12affair" trial (p.18) reminds us. This same class justice awaits those of"June 15" or Saint-Soline, many of whom are struggling to recover fromtheir wounds. We will soon have other eco-terrorists to defend and support.In the communicating mixture everything is equal, comes together orcancels itself out. The immediate finally replaces the present, and itbecomes impossible to separate the primordial from the superfluous, as"the news item creates a diversion". Thus the death of young Thomaswhich occurred in mid-November in Crépol in Drome. A teenage brawl on anight of dancing became the tragedy "which poses the risk of a shift inour society" according to Olivier Véran, the government spokesperson[2].A fight that goes wrong thus allows "at the same time":to frighten rural France which had once thought of emancipating itselfwith Yellow Vest Actsto stigmatize working-class neighborhoods housing populations of foreignorigins that are "troublemakers";to raise the scarecrow of far-right militias ready to surge into thestreets;to justify the ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations, threats to publicorder;to erase the death of Nahel and the revolts of June 2023 at the verytime when justice frees the murderous police officer.to rehabilitate the police, a republican bulwark against crowd violenceand seditious activities;And the icing on the cake of media conditioning, the climate thusmaintained will ultimately favor the forceful passage of the immigrationlaw (p. 4), in the name of the fight against the extreme right (p.11 andp.13) and of the response "to the concerns of the French".It seemed to us that the concerns of the population of France in 2023were more on the side of employment, inflation, purchasing power,salaries, pensions, the right to housing, equality between the sexes,fed up with repression and police violence... as well as with therestriction of the rights of foreigners, which is only the antechamberof the restriction of the rights of all, for the greatest profit for theexploiters.The international situation is no better. In the name of Israel's rightto defend itself, the destruction of the Palestinian people began withthe consent of the Western powers which consecrate the Jewish state inits role as aircraft carrier of capitalism in the Middle East. In Gazaof course (p. 29), but also more discreetly in the West Bank and SouthLebanon where operations have multiplied in recent days, threatening theentire region with conflagration.Françafrique tries to survive in Senegal (p. 35). The French state, byturning a blind eye to the shenanigans of Macky Sall to keep his cliquein power, is working to preserve an area of influence in West Africawhen Mali and Niger have, it seems, , managed to get rid of theirimperialist tutelage.It is also this redefinition of the zones of influence of the capitalistpowers which is playing out in Ukraine, where, while the fighting ragesbetween proletarians of the two camps, business is going well betweenthe future rebuilders supplying concrete (them again) and the warmongerswho "at the same time" destroy and rebuild (p. 31). In this context, itis very delicate to maintain an internationalist position which rejectsthe infernal dynamics of war, like the campaign led, with their limitedresources, by our comrades from the Olga Taratuta initiative and theirUkrainian relays. 'Assembleia (p. 33).And yet we say nothing in this issue of what is at stake in Argentinaagainst the working classes victims of the "anarcho-capitalist chainsaw"(sic?) of Javier Milei, of the civil war in Sudan, or of theuninterrupted struggle of Iranian women from "Women Life Freedom".However, it is the tenacity and determination of women in struggles,like those on strike in the Basque Country (p. 25), which gives us aglimpse of optimism and hope."Hope? I can only answer you one thing: in principle, don't know. Myprinciple is: if there is the slightest chance, however small, of beingable to contribute something by intervening in this terrible situationwe have put ourselves in, then we must do it"[3]It is therefore up to us to play, and to contribute to an essentialsocial revolution. Because if we do not quickly choose between socialismor barbarism, we will have to build communism and suffer cataclysm "atthe same time".Saint NazaireDecember 28, 2023Notes[1]Claude Guillon, Democratic Terrorization, Libertalia, 2009[2]Le Parisien, November 27, 2023[3]Günther Anders, And if I am desperate, what do you want me to do?,Editions Allia, 2001http://oclibertaire.lautre.net/spip.php?article4036_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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