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dinsdag 2 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE UK News Journal Update - (en) France, OCL CA #335 - Amazing Democrats... (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

England: the slap! ---- The largest demonstration of solidarity with thePalestinian people in Europe took place in London, where almost 1million people demonstrated. A slap in the face for the conservativegovernment of billionaire R. Suniak, who like all his bourgeois acolyteshad taken up the cause of Israel and Netanyahu's government: "You notonly have the right to defend yourself, you have the duty to restore thesecurity of your country. He tried to ban this demonstration, calling ita "provocation... lack of respect" referring to the deaths of 14/18 onNovember 11, while his Minister of the Interior spoke of "a march of thehate ". The leader of the Labor Party will follow suit by declaring:"Israel has the right to defend itself.»GermanyIt was in the presence of the Israeli ambassador that DemocraticChancellor Olaf Sholz declared in parliament, after the minute ofsilence for the victims of October 7, Berlin's "unwavering support forthe Jewish state... the only place of Germany is with Israel. Solidaritywhich will be enhanced by deliveries of Heron TP combat drones andartillery ammunition. The chancellor also denounced demonstrations ofsupport for the Palestinians. "Anyone who burns Israeli flags, anyonewho supports a terrorist organization such as Hamas is subject toprosecution." These same Democrats are quick to call Greta Thunberg ananti-Semite for denouncing Israel's occupation of Palestine and callingfor an immediate ceasefire. "His statements are intolerably anti-Semiticand reflect a political worldview that ignores fundamental democraticvalues." L.Neubauer, a member of the Greens, declared herselfdisappointed, accusing him of disinformation and anti-Semitism. As doesV.beck, president of the Germany/Israel association, and member of theGreens, who denounces her as "a full-time enemy of Israel... and fromnow on in the service of hatred against Israel".Equally democratic, the confederal leadership of the DeutscherGewerkschaftsbund, DGB (main trade union confederation) and theemployers' union (BDA) sent a letter of solidarity to the Israeli unionISTADRUT, which supports the policies of B. Netanyahu and is closelylinked to the army. The missive highlights "deep solidarity with Israelin the face of Hamas' brutal attacks and denounces the extent to whichanti-Semitism has become active."IG metal, an important union within the DGB, supports these pro-Israeliinitiatives, especially since it benefits from financing and arms orderbooks.USAIt is no surprise one year before the elections that Republicans andDemocrats found themselves side by side in supporting Israel: "even in acontext of quarrels, demonstrating support for Israel remains apriority." And so it was a bi-partisan demonstration that took place inWashington. This shared friendship was accompanied by 14.3 billiondollars, or 3 times the annual amount received by the Jewish state. AndBiden declared: "Israel is the best investment of the $3 billion we aremaking. If there were no Israel, the United States would have to inventan Israel to protect its interests in the region. This is how charmingDemocrats and Republicans, shamelessly, hand in hand, finance themassacre of the Palestinians.More than 700 Hollywood entertainment industry executives have signed anopen letter to show their support for Israel and condemn Hamasterrorism, calling on people to refrain from sharing misinformationabout the war and to do everything which is possible to get theterrorist organization to return the innocent hostages to their families.The Walt Disney Company has announced that it is donating $2 million tohumanitarian aid organizations. $1 million awarded to Magen David Adom,affiliated with the International Federation of Red Cross and RedCrescent Societies which provides emergency medical aid and blood inIsrael, and another $1 million to other local NGOs which work to helpchildren. Disney employees participated in Disney's $25,000 matchinggift program.In FranceIn an open letter entitled "French tech and its entrepreneurs supportTech Nation", 500 players in the sector assure their support for Israeland the victims of terrorism. The signatories compare the attacksperpetrated by Hamas to "September 11" or "Bataclan". They also explainthat they "were inspired, shaped, by the values of Israeli tech". It isfor this reason that they wish to "provide with the greatest energysupport and concrete aid to this young democracy".We noted with what haste the President of the Republic and otherpolitical figures rushed to Tel Aviv and emphasized Israel's right to"defend itself", and without wasting time our Democrats banneddemonstrations in support of Palestinian people...On Sunday, November 12, a "Republican and against anti-Semitism" marchat the call of the presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate,in which the right and the extreme right participated with thepro-Israeli political forces took place. had to be visible. The issue ofanti-Semitism is being exploited for a reactionary government agenda.The Republican front is against the LFI, and not against the NationalRally. After Macron rehabilitated Pétain, Élisabeth Borne thanks the RNfor its republicanism. Robert Badinter judges that Marine Le Pen is notanti-Semitic.The other "demonstration against anti-Semitism and racism and againstthe extreme right" organized in Paris that same day, was banned by theprefecture, supposedly for reasons of filing too late. But LICRA -International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism - had requested a ban."Faced with anti-Semitic, Islamophobic speeches and acts and against allforms of racism. Let's unite!» said the appeal supported by FranceInsoumise, high school and student unions, the NPA and by the TSEDEKorganization, made up of Jews against colonialism. Only a laying ofwreaths was authorized, at the square of the Jewish Martyrs of theVélodrome d'Hiver: a highly symbolic place, since the French policerounded up and detained more than 13,000 Jews there in 1942, on theorders of Pétain, before deport them to Nazi extermination camps.But this is still too much for the right thinkers of anti-Semitism.Fascist Jews (LDJ and/or Betar as well as "zemmourie" pundits) occupiedthe monument with posters "Hands off vel d'hiv" and "Hands off memory".What followed was an exchange of names and various slogans (Marseillaiseon the FAF side against Siamo tutti antifascisti.) The police, arrivingafter 30 minutes, positioned themselves between the 2 groups ofdemonstrators (the FAF then chanted "thank you police". Huge! Thank theFrench police at this place!!!) This action was approved by theRepresentative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif): "Honorto those who opposed this morning so that the Vel d'Hiv memorial issoiled by LFI's recoveries!" The CRIF, which marched alongside the RNand its fascist and anti-Semitic auxiliaries, during the "officialrepublican arc" demonstration.http://oclibertaire.lautre.net/spip.php?article4003_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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