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woensdag 31 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GERMANY News Journal Update - (en) Germany, Likos: Demo "We are all together against fascism" on January 27th, 2024 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

As part of the anti-fascist participatory campaign "Taking space fromthe right" we are calling for the demonstration "We are all togetheragainst fascism" on January 27th, 2024 at 4 p.m. on the theaterforecourt: ---- For consistent anti-fascism ---- Not Only since thepublication of correctiv.org's research and the well-known meeting ofthe extreme right has the shift to the right in this country becomenoticeable and noticeable. ---- Last fall, the AfD repeatedly tried toreach the people of Osnabrück with its information tables - theirreactionary and misanthropic worldview should be under the radarpeople are brought. These information tables were organized and carriedby people who shared the ideas that were discussed at the meeting inBrandenburg.apparently share. In addition to its information tables, the AfD City ofOsnabrück also organized regular meetings as well as information andnetworking evenings in the Pontospark restaurant on several occasions.There, people could exchange ideas and network undisturbed. That thesesame people - whether in Osnabrück, at the "secret meeting" or elsewhere- not only have inhumane, fascist ideas, but express them seriouslyWe are not surprised by plans to lock up and deport people with ahistory of immigration, those who do not look "bio-German" enough intheir eyes. Refugees, political opponents, leftists and humanists wouldalso be affected by this. Of course, we expressly welcome the outragethat is now evident in several cities. But we would like to consciouslyemphasize at this point that the tightening of asylum law"Consistent deportations" was what Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke aboutand the social cuts were not passed and implemented by the AfD or theIdentitarian Movement, but by the political parties and decision-makerswho were concerned about this"Secret meetings" also caused a stir. They, too, with their speech andtheir politics, which are increasingly de-solidarizing, playing peopleoff against each other and last but not leastThis also encourages the right and extreme right to clearly criticize.We face the shift to the right in society and also in politics asanti-fascistThe participation campaign "Taking away space from the right" continuesto be decisive. For over half a year now we have been fighting againstthe normalization of the AfD, right-wing and right-wing extremistpositions and challenge the fascists for space wherever they appear. Weprotested against the AfD's information stands and the distribution oftheir material and severely disrupted the exchange with the fewinterested citizens. As a result, they canceled their last announcedinformation table. We have their meetings in Pontospark was made publicand pressure was exerted, so that they briefly lost the premises madeavailable to them there.We remain uncomfortable for right-wing and extreme right-wing actors inand around Osnabrück and want a powerful, loud demonstration as a signof our determination against the shift to the right set. Therefore, onJanuary 27th, let us be aware of the anniversary of the liberation ofthe Auschwitz extermination camp by the Red Army and in memory of thevictims of the Shoah take to the streets. Let us show solidarity withthose affected by right-wing ideology and violence. Let's show the rightthat we know who they are, know what they're up to, know where they meetand let them know that we will take away any space they try forto claim yourself!Not an inch from the fascists - ¡No pasarán!The anti-fascist participatory campaign "Taking away space from the right"https://likos.noblogs.org/2024/01/19/demo-wir-alle-zusammen-gegen-den-faschimus-am-27-01-2024/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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