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dinsdag 2 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA #22: Climate emergency - Struggles and repression: Statement from the AL/FdCA Struggles and Territory Commission (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


We have no doubt that the causes of the recent "climate emergency" havea social basis. A society that is based on hierarchical bases, anexpression of class social relations, which extends the dominion of manover man and nature, cannot help but place the interests of a classdominated against common interests at the center of its actions. Andthese objectives must be supported and pursued by any means, even withthe use of violence and state repression. There is news in recent daysof the arrest of three young people of the "Last Generation" (and theyare not the only ones) for a road block with which they are asking forthe establishment of a "Permanent repair and assistance fund" of 20billion euros to deal with the damage that several thousand people havesuffered during the latest intense atmospheric events (see EmiliaRomagna and Tuscany). The response that the State implements in responseto these requests is increasingly disproportionate and disorganized:asking for arrest in flagrante delicto for aggravated private violencedue to a road block says a lot about both the degree of socialrepression that this government implements ( on the other hand, the 2023security decree significantly worsens the already terrible counterpartof 2018), and on the need to silence those who ask that the climatedisaster be addressed seriously.Yet not a year goes by without the effects of the climate emergencybeing felt: if in summer temperatures far exceed the averages ofprevious years, in the autumn heavy rains are the norm and the economicand social damage is immense.In particular, in a territory like ours, with a very high populationdensity, which, from the post-war period onwards, has suffered heavyspeculative attacks through overbuilding and urbanization which has madeit much more fragile in the face of climate changes following the globalwarming.While our cities are going under water with billions of dollars indamage, the Meloni Government, late in allocating funds for the areasaffected by atmospheric events, is not able to manage the European fundsfor the ecological transaction and is pursuing the "stick" policy andthe carrot" by allocating a lot of money to major works (see bridge overthe Strait of Messina).But the situation is no better internationally. In fact, theunderestimation of the risks of climate change by the world capitalistpowers has blown the last opportunity to have a realistic possibility ofkeeping global warming well below two degrees.An alarming analysis by researchers at Australia's National Center forClimate Restoration outlines a scenario in which global warming willexceed three degrees centigrade by 2050, triggering fatal alterations tothe global ecosystem and colossal migrations of at least a billion people.Everywhere in the world, movements, associations and individuals aremobilizing to raise awareness among governments and to counteract thewicked capitalist and predatory choices that will lead to the "point ofno return" for the human race; in Holland for 27 consecutive daysExtinction Rebellion activists, together with thousands ofdemonstrators, blocked the A12 motorway in The Hague, to protest againstfossil fuel subsidies. After 1 month of blockades and 9000 arrests amongthe demonstrators, the government had to approve a motion for theprogressive reduction of subsidies for energy sources of fossil origin.We express our solidarity with the young people of the "Last Generation"who, with courage and putting their own face forward, promote directaction initiatives that denounce governments' delays in tackling theclimate emergency.The illusion of infinite growth, the myth of the unstoppable increase inconsumption, the model of large-scale works, the increase intemperatures and the rise of the oceans are causes and effects of aneconomic and social model, the capitalist one, which only produces wars,exploitation and social emergencies.Overcoming this model based on the profit of a few, towards ahorizontal, ecological society based on cooperation and socialsolidarity are the minimum conditions for emerging from the climateemergency.Il Cantiere n. 20 ottobre 2023 ilcantiere@autistici.orghttp://alternativalibertaria.fdca.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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