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dinsdag 30 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, anarres info: Anarres of January 12th. Borders that kill. Police state. The Turin massacre. A memory that tells us about us. The war in the eastern Mediterranean... (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Live broadcasts, insights, ideas, proposals, appointments: ---- Themassacre in the Mediterranean continues ---- The figures emerging fromthe latest report of the International Organization for Migration painta picture of growing violence affecting migrants traveling in theMediterranean . The number of dead and missing increased by 60% in 2023.---- In 2023, 974 people died, 1372 were missing: in 2022 there were 529victims, 848 missing, 662 and 891 in 2021. IOM also underlines that17,025 migrants were intercepted in 2023 by the Libyan Coast Guard andreturned to the concentration camps of the North African country.We are faced with a continuous massacre, carefully planned by Europeangovernments, primarily the Italian one.A massacre resulting from the laws that make it illegal to emigrate, amassacre that grows when migrants are deliberately not rescued as inCutro, when NGO ships are hindered in every way by the crazy bansimposed by the government.But the sea is not the only frontier. People die in the mountains, inthe desert, on construction sites where the life of an illegal immigrantis worth nothing.Raffaele told us about itPolice state. The special laws of the fascists of the third millenniumThe measures against non-commodified sociality, those against refugeesand migrants, the attack on young people, the hard blow to the fightingmovements are the cornerstones of the government's repressive project.The rave, Cutro, Caivano decrees and the security package make policepowers increasingly stronger, reducing the albeit tenuous protectionsfor freedom of expression, movement and social opposition.The strong increase in penalties, the meticulous choice of subjects tobe targeted and those to be protected are its distinctive sign.More prison for many, but not for all, because the plot of Meloni'svarious provisions is explicitly class-based. Not only. Many measures,despite being capable of withstanding the scrutiny of formal legitimacy,are tailor-made for specific subjects.The government implements devices that emulate the dynamics of theenemy's criminal law, albeit within a framework of apparentuniversalism. Which, once again, questions supporters of democracy as towhether the very idea of a just law is an oxymoron in a context ofsocial injustice and growing violence towards dangerous classes andsocial opposition movements.Dismantling the plot underlying government measures is an importantpiece of a path of struggle that we know is not easy, but necessary,because those who govern intend to attack any attempt to make thepossibility of a radical social transformation concrete.We talked about it with the lawyer Eugenio LoscoConflict in the Eastern MediterraneanThe new war that started last October 7 with the Hamas attack onvillages and kibbutzim in southern Israel continues with a growing tollof dead, wounded and displaced in the Gaza strip.After three months there are no signs of a way out of a crisis that hasalready caused a huge humanitarian tragedy in Gaza.The recent killings in targeted attacks of Hamas and Hezbollah leadersin southern Lebanon could lead to an escalation in that area too, wherea low intensity conflict is already underway.In the meantime, the climate in Yemen has heated up with theAnglo-American attack on cities and ports in the country controlled bythe Shiite and pro-Iranian Houthis.We talked about it with Stefano CapelloInitiatives:Friday 19 JanuaryPolice stateThe special laws of the fascists of the third millennium9pm at FAT, Corso Palermo 46The evening will be introduced by lawyer Gianluca VitaleFriday 2 FebruaryFor anarchy. The strength and relevance of Malatesta's thought.9pm at the FAT in Corso Palermo 46The meeting will be introduced by Davide Turcato, curator of thecomplete works of Errico MalatestaFriday 16 February9pm at FAT, Corso Palermo 46Split the atom in four. Against the nuclear fairy taleNuclear power, disguised as green energy, entered the agenda of COP 28,held in Qatar, one of the petromonarchies of the Arabian Peninsula, asclean energy that does not compromise the climate.The wizards of the atom are trying once again to relegitimize thisdangerous technology, painting it green and telling us the story of"new" and "safe" fourth generation nuclear power.The disasters and Chernobyl and Fukushima are not enough to make theatomic lobby give up.The meeting will be introduced by Angelo Tartaglia, professor emeritusof the Polytechnic of TurinDrop by every Tuesday(A)distro - books, newspapers, documents and... much moreSeriRiot - self-produced benefit lottery screen printingCome and browse through the books and magazines, the t-shirts and flyers!Support self-production and information free from the state and the market!Find out about fights and appointments!from 6pm to 8pm in Corso Palermo 46Contacts:Turin Anarchist FederationCorso Palermo 46Meetings - open to interested parties - every Tuesday from 8pmContacts:fai_torino@autistici.org@senzafrontiere.to/https://t.me/SenzaFrontiereSubscribe to our newsletter by sending a message to the FB page or an emailwrite to: anarres@inventati.orgwww.anarresinfo.orghttps://www.anarresinfo.org/anarres-del-12-gennaio-frontiere-che-uccidono-stato-di-polizia-la-strage-di-torino-una-memoria-che-ci-parla-di-noi-la-guerra-nel-mediterraneo-orientale/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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