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donderdag 4 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY News Journal Update - (en) Italy, Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA #22: Working in sport is work: there are no "odd jobs" - A sports worker (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We talk about sport all the time, it's probably one of the few things

that, in today's social desert, still manages to keep together theshapeless mass of individuals that we have now become and who areunlikely to be interested in what happens beyond their shadow, or in anycase beyond the screen of their smartphones. ---- On social media, ontelevision, in newspapers: the main topic is sport. ---- But how do wetalk about sport? Because we can talk about sport in many ways, just asthere are many facets from which we can observe this world.There is professional sport, where a small number of human beings areelevated to the status of demigods by virtue of their particularability, which can be kicking a ball, throwing another into a basketwith holes placed at a certain height from the ground , hitting a ballwith a specific tool (rackets, clubs of all types, etc.): human beingswho are able to excel in these activities receive stratosphericcompensation, even 1000 times higher than the compensation of us meremortals. It deserves a separate discussion, as professional sportperhaps highlights the evolutions and dynamics of capitalism better thanother sectors.Then there is basic, amateur sport, the one that has the most positiveeffects both for the well-being of the individual and from a socialpoint of view. But also the one in which a large number of workers arehiding who until a few months ago had no protection.The issue of sports workers has emerged recently with the Covid-19pandemic; on that occasion we began to become aware that, by closinggyms and other meeting places where sporting activities are practiced, asignificant number of people are left without receiving anycompensation. It turns out that, behind the swimming instructor, thegymnastics coach, the coach of the "chicks" of the neighborhood footballteam, there are workers who, in addition to doing this activity out ofpassion and love of sport, they also do it because they need it to makea living. And it also turns out that for many workers it is not a secondjob or a "job", but constitutes the only source of income; It's a shamethat in 2020, during the pandemic, sports workers could be classified asamateurs, therefore essentially as volunteers who receive compensation,but without any form of protection.During the pandemic, this meant that these workers could not request thesocial protection institutions provided for other sectors of the worldof work, such as the NASPI or the redundancy fund; precisely to try toovercome this enormous problem, the various emergency measuresimplemented during the pandemic established a bonus for this category ofworkers.Also during the pandemic, in 2021, we have an important legislativeprovision which would seem (the conditional is a must of course) to givedignity to those who work in the world of amateur sport: LegislativeDecree 36/2021, the so-called "Reform of Sport" who must be given thecredit for erasing the ambiguous figure of the amateur, that is, thosewho carry out sporting work like a volunteer, but can receive compensation.This decree in fact identifies two forms of collaboration within theworld of sport, the worker and the volunteer, defining them in thefollowing ways:- the sports worker is "the athlete, the coach, the instructor, thetechnical director, the sports director, the athletic trainer and thematch director who, without any gender distinction and regardless of theprofessional or amateur sector, exercises sporting activity for a fee",with the exclusion of administrative and management tasks;- the volunteer is someone who makes "his/her time and skills availableto promote sport, in a personal, spontaneous and free way, withoutprofit, not even indirect, but exclusively for amateur purposes", forwhose activities " Only documented expenses relating to food,accommodation, travel and transport incurred for services carried outoutside the municipal territory of residence can be reimbursed".So can we celebrate victory? Affirming that sports work has its dignitylike any job, as it should be? Which is absolutely not a "job", aninsidious term with which too often pockets of poorly paid and exploitedwork are hidden?The answer is no. Absolutely not. No, because "special" social security,tax and insurance systems continue to persist for these workers, meaningwith this term only and exclusively unfavorable conditions for thosewomen and men who, despite carrying out their work, continue toexperience a condition of substantial precariousness and a gloomy futurefor pensioners and pensioners.Moreover, the very genesis of Legislative Decree 36/2021 was entirely aprogram: already in the first draft of the decree, the entry into forceof the rules relating to the new discipline of sports work was scheduledfor 1 July 2022, more than a year after the entry into force of thedecree itself, dated 2 April 2021. The Decree has then undergone variousmodifications and reworks, the entry into force of the aforementionedrules has been postponed several times, which finally manage to comeinto force on the 1st July 2023.And so, just as sport makes its entry into the Constitution, with themodification of the art. 33 which now establishes that "the Republicrecognizes the educational, social and promotional value ofpsychophysical well-being of sporting activity in all its forms", at thesame time the much vaunted Sports Reform introduced by LegislativeDecree 36/2021 does not It absolutely removes the annoying andhypocritical label of "chore" from sports work.To the more than 700 thousand sports workers in Italy, in particularthose engaged in real sport, the one outside the pomp and illogicalexcesses of the sports industry, the one that truly promotes theeducational and social value of psychophysical well-being, well to theseworkers there is only one card left to play: that of organization andsolidarity, to claim what is theirs, to claim what workers all over theworld have been asking for over a century: bread and roses!Il Cantiere n. 20 ottobre 2023 ilcantiere@autistici.orghttp://alternativalibertaria.fdca.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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