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zaterdag 27 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIA MEXICO News Journal Update - (en) Sicilia Libertaria: January 1, 1994: the Zapatista insurrection turns thirty by Andrea Mazzocco (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


At the first light of dawn on January 1, 1994, the Zapatista Army ofNational Liberation (EZLN) showed itself publicly for the first time.This rebel and dreamer army, after ten years of clandestinity in theheights of Chiapas, a state on the southern border of Mexico, finallycomes out into the open. ---- The Mexican Army barracks present in theChiapas area are understaffed. There are several soldiers on leave forthe holidays; those who remained are still recovering from theafter-effects of alcohol and a night of celebrations to welcome the newyear. They are not ready when it all begins, and certainly many will nothave believed the news.At the first light of dawn on January 1, 1994, over seven thousandindigenous people rose up, occupying the major centers of the state,such as San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Ocosingo, Las Margaritas, Comitán,Altamirano, and snatched from the hands of the landowners over 200,000hectares of lands, to be redistributed to those who until then had onlybeen able to cultivate the owner's land. Not everyone is armed, thosewho don't have a rifle resort to sticks, bows with arrows, slingshots.We realize very quickly that this is not a classic twentieth-centuryrevolution, indeed perhaps it is (anticipating it) the first revolutionof the new millennium. There are no faces but balaclavas; there are nonames or personalities to exalt, the names take up the names of fallencomrades and comrades; they say they fight for the oppressed and wanttrue national liberation, not the seizure of the palace of power in thecapital. The watchword is autonomy.Another thing that appears clear about this insurrection is thepractical proof that revolution is not an extemporaneous act of heroism,a "peak" in which to conquer everything immediately, but a process. Anendless process, the Zapatista "walking asking", in which we alwayscarry forward theory and practice together, trying and trying again,making mistakes, failing, getting back up. Many times SubComandanteMarcos, spokesperson for the organization at the time of theinsurrection and in the following years, spoke of how Zapatismo faceseverything by imagining the worst possible hypothesis, and tries tobuild actions and reactions from that assumption. This is how it went onJanuary 1st thirty years ago, the EZLN was ready for defeat, but such anextreme gesture was due to an extreme situation: five hundred years ofoppression, violence, abuse, slavery. It was not a defeat, despite manytragic deaths (including the late SubComandante Pedro) and after twelvedays of fighting, when the ceasefire was proclaimed (thanks to thepressure of Mexican and international public opinion), Zapatismo had aterritory where put into practice what he had already been laboriouslytrying to develop for a few years.Zapatista autonomy is based on self-government and common ownership ofthe land: already in the first months of 1994, thirty autonomousZapatista municipalities were founded, grouping within them thecommunities of the same region. To the community assemblies aretherefore added the municipal assemblies and the municipal authorities,rotating positions of administrative management of the region pertainingto each municipality. The land is redistributed, distinguishing betweenlands of family use, assigned to each family for their sustenance, andlands of collective use, whose production was intended for thecollective sustenance of the community or municipality. This model willdevelop for the following ten years until the introduction of a thirdlevel of autonomous government, that of the area, grouping togethervarious municipalities. In fact, in 2003 the Comandancia General of theEZLN concluded the transfer of responsibility from the military to thecivil administration. In each area, five initially, a Caracol is founded(literally snail, snail, to metaphorically recall the spiral, they arepolitical-administrative management centers) and in each of them a GoodGovernment Council begins to operate, the maximum expression of theZapatista autonomous government . It is with the arrival of the goodgovernment councils that all the other fields of autonomy areharmonised, structuring and making the autonomous educational system,the health system more efficient (thanks to the fundamental help of manysupportive doctors who accompanied the trial), the autonomous judicialsystem and the cooperative production system (colectivos).A profound analysis of the organization began in 2013, a self-criticismthat encompasses all its spheres at three hundred and sixty degrees.SubComandante Marcos figuratively "dies," being reborn as SubComandanteGaleano, taking the name of a Zapatista master murdered byparamilitaries. He is no longer even the spokesperson for theorganization, this role has now passed to Sub-Comandante Moisés. Thisphase leads to a profound revision of the structure of autonomy, nowbeing able to count on more than twenty years of "practical testing"which restores the awareness of what is going well and what can beimproved. In 2019, to have greater capillarity in the territory (alsodue to the great growth of the organization, in terms of numbers andterritorial extension), the zones go from five to twelve, as do thecaracoles.This decade has seen the resurgence of paramilitary violence in Chiapas,the entry of the Narcos into previously marginal territories, theviolence of the State in imposing major works harmful to the natural andsocial balance of the Mexican south-east, a pandemic, the evidence ofclimate change and the increase in extreme weather phenomena. The"storm", to paraphrase Zapatismo, what the EZLN has been talking aboutfor years and what it is preparing to face. The capitalist storm,against which only a global alliance can cope, materialized in the"Declaration for life" of January 1, 2021, signed by hundreds oforganizations worldwide and the foundation stone of the "Gira por laVida", which saw its first chapter in Europe in the last three months ofthat same year.This decade, the third since the insurrection and the fourth since thebirth of the organization in 1983, is the one that brings us to thepresent day, and it is the one that brought two great organizationalinnovations that bring the Zapatista organization into its fifth decade .It is precisely as this date approaches that the Zapatista organizationdecided to make public its transformations and, even more admirably, itsfailures. If until now the three levels of self-government rose frombottom to top, culminating in the Good Government Councils, now thepyramid has been overturned, putting the community, the first level,back at the centre. The councils and town halls were cancelled, and theassembly was put back at the center to the detriment of the rotatingpositions, which by their own admission were starting to "disconnect"from their community, thinking they could decide for it, rather thanimplement its proposals. Therefore, at the center there are now theLocal Autonomous Governments (GAL), one in each community. The latter,in addition to administering their community, can bring common proposalsto their region, in which the Zapatista Collective of AutonomousGovernments (CGAZ) will meet, and to their area, in which the Assemblyof Collectives of Autonomous Governments will meet Zapatistas (ACGAZ).The Caracoles remain the physical reference point for each area.The second big news announced in these days approaching the anniversaryis the establishment of lands in which the principle of non-ownershipapplies. To be sure, in none of the Zapatista lands does the principleof ownership as understood by us apply: the lands assigned to familiesare still part of the community's lands, the family cannot dispose ofthem at will and it is not possible to sell or privatize them. The sameobviously applies to collective lands, cultivated with voluntary workfor the support of the entire community. This new typology of land, thethird therefore, is based on the concept of being no man's land, andtherefore automatically everyone's land, common. These lands want to bereturned to the population without any distinction, including politicalaffiliation. This means that they will be at the disposal of theZapatista population as well as the non-Zapatista population. They willnot be managed by any authority other than the people who live in thoseterritories, who will independently manage the cultivation shifts. Atthe end of the cultivation cycle there will be no taxes or payments inkind, the entire harvest will be at the disposal of those who worked it,while the improvements to the land will remain for the benefit of thenext round.This great innovation, approved by a consultation in all the Zapatistacenters, perhaps represents the best possible response to the changedcontext now experienced in Chiapas. Because if since 1994 the Mexicangovernment has tried to divide the population, funding paramilitarygroups that faced the Zapatista organization, the entry of drugtrafficking cartels into the region increases variables and violence,and requires first of all the union of forces from Bass. A continuousdialogue therefore between the Zapatista and non-Zapatista populationscould be the only possible response to this war.To paraphrase the latest statements, there is no manual to follow inwhat the Zapatista organization is building, the only possibility is tocontinue to question ourselves and to make self-criticism and innovationthe beacons for continuing the journey. And if this organizationcontinues to move forward, forty, thirty, twenty and ten years later, wecan look optimistically to the years ahead.Long live the Zapatista revolution.https://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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