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zondag 28 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIA News Journal Update - (en) Sicilia Libertaria: Clearance in Catania - Clearance of Student Residence and Counseling Centre, a look (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Social spaces in the city constitute fundamental realities ofaggregation and resistance for the urban centre. Points of referencethat practice bottom-up organization and make up for the absence ofinstitutions. The eviction of Student Residence 95100 and theself-managed counseling center Mi cuerpo es mio took place last December5th, in the early morning. An unfortunate action for a city like Cataniawhich needs places, such as social spaces, that act as glue for thesocial fabric.A winter morning saw the police break into the student residence,located in via Sant'Elena 26, and the counseling center, located in viaGallo 1. In the first accommodation students/sses eligible for thestudent house but not assigned as the ERSU does not have the facilitiesfor this. A violent raid at dawn on December 5th, justified by thepretext that the social spaces did not have an authorization to stay.The municipal administration ordered the eviction of the counselingcenter and student hall on November 6, without any warning. Thereforethe activists did not have the material time to organize themselves, nordid they assign other places to continue their multiple activities.The eviction took place in the most total arrogance and absurd arroganceof those in power and those who defend it, as if it were organizedcrime. Activists point out that legality does not necessarily coincidewith social justice. The boys and girls carried out the activities withabsolute transparency, responding to the mayor's allegations ofprofiteering with the initiatives. If anything, many measures taken bythe municipal administration are not very linear with respect to themanagement of the city.Both have been important garrisons for Catania for years, the activistsdo not give up. The Student Residence 95100 opened 7 years ago. It was acompletely abandoned place, with moldy books that were recovered. Apublic property whose management should belong to the Ursino-Recuperojoint libraries, the Superintendence and the Municipality of Catania.But it found new life only thanks to the desire of activists to use anew space for the city. Numerous, especially cultural, initiatives tookplace at Student Residence 95100. Book presentations, film clubs,artistic exhibitions, including photographic ones, musical performances,round tables, seminars and much more enlivened the social space.Furthermore, numerous events have found support from UNICT, which hasgiven them patronage. Furthermore, the Studentate has allowed variouspolitical-cultural groups, such as Thorns in the Side, and associationsto meet and organize assemblies, thus creating a good synergy.The self-managed counseling center began its activities at the beginningof 2020. A fundamental point of reference for women victims of violence,who have found help to get out of toxic relationships with abusive men.The interviews always took place from Monday to Friday, with Tuesdaybeing the day they were open to the public. The activists often tookwomen into their homes, especially if they were segregated. On the dayof the eviction of the student hall and counseling center, seven womenwere expected, one of which was segregated. Furthermore, an appointmentwas scheduled with a lawyer to set up an anti-harassment desk. The mayoraccused the activists of the consultancy of making money. but dozens ofwomen can fully testify that the consultations were all free. An unjustmeasure, that of eviction; the activists do not intend to retreat withtheir struggles and demands.On 7 December the procession in defense of the Counseling Center and theStudent Hall took place. A well-attended event, with hundreds andhundreds of demonstrators. Everyone has claimed the need for socialspaces, especially in a city like Catania whose latest municipaladministrations want to make it only a playland for tourists and therich. Inhabited centres, places of art and culture, are increasinglyused for mass tourism and a swarm of places to eat and drink. Power,starting from the top down to the local level, wants people to lead abanal and ephemeral existence. Cities and towns must be places ofalienation and income, rather than places that encourage aggregation,sharing and bottom-up culture. The activists resist the eviction of theStudent Hall and Counseling Centre.In via Sant'Elena there is a permanent garrison with variousinitiatives. One dates back to December 11th, a Tuesday afternoon, theCall to artist. A call to creative young people to design, build andcreate material to support social spaces. Furthermore, the activistsreceived a lot of solidarity from various characters such asZerocalcare, the cartoonist Sted and Carlotta Magnoli. The eviction ofthe student residence and counseling center took place on 5 December,the same day as the funeral of Giulia Cecchettin, victim of femicide. Anabsolutely grotesque coincidence, because a reality against violenceagainst women is forcibly closed. All this after the hypocrisy on thepart of the institutions for November 25th.In the following weeks, solidarity towards male and female activistscontinued. The activities of the self-managed counseling center continuein temporary spaces that are expanding. Organization of a signaturecollection to ask the Municipality to take over the premises between ViaSant'Elena and Via Gallo, which received a wide response. The activistsask for discussion tables with the Municipality and other bodiesinvolved. Furthermore, an interlocutory proposal has been registered, asa request to be presented at the discussion tables for the assignment ofthe premises, but all is silent. Last December 27th a demonstration tookplace under the headquarters of the Municipality of Catania to make therequests. We loudly await the meeting with the mayor and the entiremunicipal council, so that the criminalization and repression of socialspaces ends. Solidarity with activists, men and women, who manage tohave an impact and continue with their projects!https://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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