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woensdag 31 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY SICILIA News Journal Update - (en) Sicilia Libertaria: THE CORPORATE NARRATIVE OF MILITARY KLEPTOCRACY (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

According to a certain narrative, which presents itself regardless ofits total unrealism, the government of the self-styled sovereignistswould have surrendered to the new formulation of the Stability Pactimposed by Germany and France, as if these two countries were today in aposition to be taken seriously by someone. Little Italy has never neededto be taught austerity by others, and deflation (the "lesina") ishistorically a value of our establishment; for which the "Europeanconstraints" have always served as an alibi and a screen for our ownavarice. Moreover, certain historical precedents represent an Italianunicum. In 1976 Guido Carli, having just concluded his mandate asgovernor of the Bank of Italy, went to preside over Confindustria;therefore the head of the creditors' lobby became the director of adebtors' association; as if to reiterate that finance is more importantthan industry and, if necessary, must be sacrificed to the stability ofthe currency and the protection of the value of credits. In fact, thedeindustrialization of Italy began in 1976; starting, as always, fromthe South. Many companies, instead of reinvesting the subsidies receivedfrom the government into production, used them to buy Treasury bonds.Furthermore, we are the only country where two former central bankers(Einaudi and Ciampi), that is, two heads of the creditors' assistancebody, have become presidents of the Republic; and, if that naive MarioDraghi had not allowed himself to be fooled by Mattarella, today wewould even have a third. (1)However, the deflation lobby, i.e. the financial kleptocracy, hasgranted an exemption to the military kleptocracy. The Minister ofDefense, Guido Crosetto, has in fact triumphantly announced that thetext of the new version of the Pact would provide for the separation ofmilitary investments from budget constraints; therefore Leonardo'sformer Finmeccanica business is safe. (2) As Leonardo's good lobbyist,Crosetto does not hesitate to pass off military investments as adevelopment factor; when instead he is the opposite, given that it isuseful things, not weapons, that determine the economic multiplier.Especially since they are also useless as weapons, given that, forexample, the F-35 fighter, in whose production Leonardo Finmeccanica isinvolved, is too expensive even to keep it functioning, so it would beof no use in the event of a real war. (3)The unreliability of the F-35 fighter is proportional to its exorbitantcosts, and has also highlighted grotesque aspects. Over the past year,the Marine Corps has reported three accidents involving the fighter. Inan accident last September it took days to trace the wreckage of theaircraft, so even the remote tracking systems failed. This proves thefact that, despite the increasingly victimized official narrative, theSacred West does not really feel threatened by anyone. The alarmist furyagainst the plethora of new Hitlers constantly lurking is only afunction of the looting of public money by the military kleptocracy. (4)Economist rhetoric is also invoked by Crosetto to justify the adventureof our Navy in the Red Sea, to hunt down the Houthis of Yemen who attackships carrying goods to Israel. With the pretext of preventing an energycrisis and rising bills, an expansion of the conflict is justified,forgetting that economic logic, and also decency, would first requireblocking the genocide in Gaza, which could lead to a regional war; andthen there would really be a global energy crisis. (5)Not to mention the other economic absurdity, that is, the fact ofexposing military ships that cost billions to the risk of being damagedby drones that cost a few thousand euros each. To defend itself fromthese "low cost" drones, the Italian Navy should use French-produced"Aster" missiles, which cost around two million euros each, therefore ahundred times more than a Houthi drone. This re-edition of thenineteenth-century "gunboat policy" seems to ignore the fact that todaywe are no longer dealing with primitives armed with spears and shields.If Crosetto is lucky, maybe they will sink his frigate, so he canallocate the money to build another one more beautiful and more superb(and also more expensive) than he did before. (6)On the other hand, economic and corporate rhetoric has become a vehicleand an advertising spot, with which the military kleptocracy tries toconquer young minds and accustom them to the inevitability of war.Thanks to the school-work alternation, militarism has fully enterededucation, given that the Army, the Navy and NATO are basically"companies". By doing internships, or working for free for the militarylobby, young people are "trained", that is, they get used to confusingthe economy with kleptocracy. (7) Even private universities profess theelective affinity between militarism and kleptocracy by organizinginternships at NATO, which does not worry at all about showing itsbusiness side, on the contrary, it flaunts it. (8)December 28, 2023We thank Mario C. "Passatempo"1)https://www.bancaditalia.it/chi-siamo/storia/Governori-direttori-generali/Governori/guido-carli/index.html2)https://www.ansa.it/europa/notizie/rubriche/altrenews/2023/12/21/meloni-il-nuovo-patto-di-stabilita-e-sistenza-per-litalia-respect-al-passed_5e44c01a-7522-4310-b209-a43462fb7714.html3)https://www.leonardo.com/it/news-and-stories-detail/-/detail/further-information-about-the-f-35-program4)https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/f-35-disperso-trovati-i-rottami-del-caccia-americano/5)https://www.ansa.it/ansamed/it/notizie/rubriche/politica/2023/12/19/crosetto-difendere-rotte-mar-rosso-per-prevenire-aiuto-prezzi_ce13d71e-fece-4afb-bedc-ab09ec9e3254.html6)https://www.analysisdifesa.it/2023/01/parigi-ufficializza-il-contratto-italo-francese-per-688-missili-aster/7) https://www.antimafiaduemila.com/home/mafie-news/261-cronaca/94322-alarm-dell-observatory-sulla-militarizzazione-scuole-sempre-piu-belliciste.html8)https://www.varesenews.it/2016/11/gli-studenti-liuc-promossi-sul-campo-per-lesercitazione-nato/573379If you do not wish to continue receiving information from Comidad, orwish to make comments, please send a message to: webcomidad@comidad.org. Thank you.https://www.sicilialibertaria.it/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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