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maandag 29 januari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE UK News Journal Update - (en) UK, AnarCom: Israel and Anti-Militarism (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


Murderous conflicts occurring through the system of capital and statecontinue, intensify and now threaten to engulf entire regions.  Both thewars in Eastern Europe and the Middle East drag on into another year andbecome increasingly barbarous.  Starvation, mass killings, ethniccleansing, kidnappings, humiliation and torture are clearly encouragedby the powers that be.  The war in the Middle East, as well as inEastern Europe, increasingly involves power and imperial blocs taking uptheir battle positions. This, despite the war focused on Gaza supposedlybeing "over by Christmas" (how many times have we heard that before?)!As such, effective resistance often demands great bravery on the part ofmembers of our class, their companions, supporters and friends.  In thiscontext, a number of us now know the names, Tal Mitnick and Yuval Dag.Tal Mitnick is an 18-year-old vocal member of 'Mesarvot' ('We Refuse'),which numbers a few hundred.  Tal became the first open objector toserving in the IDF since the start of the current conflict and cited hisopposition to the attacks upon the collective population of Gaza as areason.  For Tal considers the attacks, a "murderous revenge", that doesnothing to address the root cause of the conflict.Meanwhile, Yuval Dag is a 21-year-old who served 64 days in Neve Tzedekmilitary prison in Tel Aviv last Spring.  He was supported as a prisonerof conscience by Amnesty International and has if anything, becomeincreasing vocal in his criticism of the situation throughout the MiddleEast and in Gaza and the West Bank, in particular, since then.In Israel, military conscription is mandatory and is seen as, "definingyou as a somebody in Israeli society".   There is also a saying that, "anation building an army is a nation building itself".  This lays barethe shared roots of nationalism and militarism, as part of the cancerousethos of state and capital.Dissent in Israel does have quite a lengthy tradition.  However, outsideof the ruling class, nationalist religious zealots, and their supporters(who often get a pass on risking their necks), people there trying toavoid military service lately face massive obstacles and are at theleast pressurised to keep quiet - or else! For in the wake of theattacks of 7th October last year, the state in Israel and unfortunatelyamong a substantial part of the wider society, has been engaging in abitter offensive against any who dare to even think about resisting thecry to take up the fight for nation, religion, and the exploitative andoppressive current system.  This reflects a call by the master classthat increasingly imperils our class and humanity itself.It is likely then that for such reasons, reports of actual openopposition to the draft in Israel during the Gaza war have not beennoted or publicised until very recently.  However, in the last month,pieces on Mitnick, Dag, their friends and supporters have appeared.  Ofnote too, these reports describe their increasingly determined stance,where they have made comments strongly alluding to the importance ofinternationalism among our class.  Mitnick has appeared in embracingboth radical anti-authoritarian and anti-militarist perspectives.The bravery of these people in doing this is laid bare by the fact thatMitnick faces at least 30 days (and likely substantially longer) in jailafter being sentenced in late December 2023, and will no doubt bebitterly ostracised when is freed.  Meanwhile, Dag, though beingimprisoned last year and from a nationalist family, has not kept quiet,and vocally supports Mitnick and fellow conscious workers for theiranti-militarism.  There are others starting to do the same.The names of those openly resisting is now increasing.  Sofia Orr (18yrs old) and Iddo Elam (17 and also from the 'Mesarvot' group) have gonepublic in stating their opposition to being drafted (the former in theface of being 'called up' next month). All have described the importanceof having a network of friends and supporters around them, now more thanever.Iddo has stated that "one massacre doesn't justify another" and thengone on to say that they are now steadfast in their "rejection of theentire current system".  Iddo and Sofia fear both for their friend Talin prison and of the same fate whilst receiving death threats awaitingthemselves.  However, being members of a group showing solidarity witheach other has galvanised their collective determination.Their numbers may appear still relatively few as yet, but they couldincrease notably further as the murderous battles continue, the realityof the current system perhaps becomes transparent to many more and ifthe internationalist word spreads.  Importantly, as noted above, someappear to be starting to embrace a class struggle, emancipatoryposition, as opposed to a liberal pacifist one.  It is greatlyencouraging to see that revolutionary No War But the Class War graffitihas now been spotted in the local urban streets around Tel Aviv.All is vital to stop the nightmare of war, famine, poverty, nationalism,ethnic cleansing, barbarity, torture, the growing threat of theocrats,as well as the daily dose of oppression, alienation and exploitation.The anti-militarist class war is the only war which will unite us as aninternational working class to prevent a death spiral, to liberateourselves and to finally live in harmony with this planet.  Totalrespect to those resisting and to those who share the struggle insolidarity!Article by Bloquehttps://anarcomuk.uk/2024/01/07/israel-and-anti-militarism_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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