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donderdag 29 februari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE BELARUS News Journal Update - (en) Belarus, Pramen: SUCH A MYSTERIOUS RUSSIAN SOUL - TO THE DEATH OF NAVALNY (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, many people, including ourcollective, had hope that Russian society would not forgive Putin forsuch actions and would be able not only to stop the invasion, but alsoto destroy Putin's regime. Yes, 2 years later such thoughts look naive,and our hope for Russian society has completely melted away. In such anatmosphere, Navalny's murder seems like a logical step in stabilizingPutin's dictatorship - if the horrors of the war and the hundreds ofthousands of murdered Ukrainians were accepted by Russian society, thenthey will accept a dead Navalny and continue to keep silent.To be surprised by Navalny's murder today is to ignore the years ofPutin's rule in Russia. Murders of opponents, mass repressions andpolice lawlessness.... Take the murder of Prigozhin, who was potentiallysupported by so many "determined vatniks". Obviously, the successfulsabotage of support from the US and the military's advancement onvarious fronts in Ukraine, has somewhat emboldened the Kremlin dictator.Instead of defeat in Ukraine in 2023, we see that Russian industry hasbeen able to rebuild itself on a military footing and continues to existquite successfully despite Western sanctions and expert predictions ofthe imminent collapse of the empire.Will Russians do something about Putin this time? All this time, societyhas not responded with explosions of rage neither to politicalassassinations nor to the mass extermination of entire peoples. Maybethe assassination of one of the most popular opposition politicians willfinally stir the minds of those who disagree with the regime but havebeen doing so quietly and at home until now? Not likely. If Russians dorise up, let's all be pleasantly surprised instead of constantlydisappointed....If Navalny's death becomes just news, it will be another confirmation ofthe stability of the Putin regime itself and its readiness to escalaterepression against the remaining opponents of the war and dictatorshipin the country itself.https://pramen.io/en/2024/02/such-a-mysterious-russian-soul-to-the-death-of-navalny/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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