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donderdag 1 februari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE FRANCE ARGENTINA News Journal Update - (en) France, UCL AL #345 - Politics, Argentina: From now on, stop the chainsaw (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The accession to power of Javier Milei will considerably worsen thesocial situation of an Argentina already out of breath. The firstannouncements set the scene: cuts to public sector jobs, increase inenergy and transport prices (+900%), brutal inflation and announcedlayoffs... Contrary to what he displayed in his speeches, this It istherefore not "the political caste" but rather the poor who will have topay. The question then arises: how will it hold up?We must not make the mistake of thinking that Javier Milei is a newTrump. He is not a fascist in the classic sense, but a true libertarian.Its objective is not to strengthen the State, but to weaken it with aview to a more authoritarian society, certainly, but devoted to profitsand the laws of the market. No fewer than nine ministries have beenabolished, consolidating everything related to the public sector intotwo catch-all super-ministries, while four of the remaining ministrieswill be dedicated to security and justice.Economically, we could compare the program of La Libertad Avanza (LLA)to that of Trump, but Argentina has more to lose than the USA. Eventhough the country is experiencing a catastrophic social and economicsituation and public services are suffering enormously, they still existand represent one of the final defenses in this extremely fragilesituation. We can imagine that Milei will not be able to eliminate theentire public system at once, but he will tackle its dismantling by allmeans.In terms of privatization, he has already announced his firstobjectives: YPF (oil) and Aerolíneas Argentinas (civil aviation), twostrategic sectors.On the social side, the ministry dedicated to the rights of women andminorities has been abolished and the right to abortion is being calledinto question. The anti-feminist rhetoric of Milei or hisvice-president, Victoria Villaruel, a fundamentalist Catholic, alsoportends serious attacks against the LGBTI community.In the days following the election, we were able to observe thedeterioration of commemorative plaques, homophobic attacks and thedamage to an LGBTI bar.Victoria VillarruelVox España, CC0, via Wikimedia CommonsVictoria Villaruel, more fascist than liberalVillarruel represents the security and nostalgic side of the LLAdictatorship. His views and family background raise concerns about hisinfluence on Argentine politics. Her position as vice-president givesher the key position of president of Congress (the national assembly), aplace of choice which puts her at the center of the political spectrum.Daughter of a soldier and Holocaust denier, she contests the figure of30,000 missing during the dictatorship, claiming a lower figure ofaround 8,000, and defends the so-called "Two Demons" theory according towhich the crimes committed during the dictatorship were a proportionateresponse to "left-wing terrorism", to justify crimes and torture againstopponents.It mobilizes the most dangerous elements of the LLA electorate and is inmany respects its fascistic facet. This is shown by various posts onsocial networks such as that of a far-right TikToker who threatenedseveral representatives of the social movement by declaring about futuremobilizations: "wear vests, because on our side, the balls will not berubber."However, it is necessary to take a step back on a few points. The votein favor of Milei largely benefited from the general fed up of thepopulation with years of inflation and devaluation, which culminated ina record year 2023: 145% inflation and 40% of the population under thepoverty line.Disavowals in perspectiveThere is therefore an expectation on the part of his electorate whohopes to see his promises come to fruition, in particular that ofdollarization, one of the major arguments of his campaign. From ourpoint of view, it is certain that everything will only get worse forthose who already find themselves in intolerable situations.Multinationals began to take advantage of the opportunity by increasingthe prices of their products by up to +100%, arguing for future marketderegulation. The discontent of part of its electorate is thereforelikely to manifest itself quickly, and it is not impossible to see ageneral conflagration.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Argentine-Des-maintenant-enrayer-la-tronconneuse_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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