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donderdag 29 februari 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GREECE News Journal Update - (en) Greece, Protaanka: Call for support for the rally outside the Documento offices (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The working conditions that prevail in the Vaxevani group (Documento andPandora's Box) are well known and have been highlighted by the employeesthemselves in a multitude of cases. In short, these past years haveincluded continuous retaliatory firings, "undercover" suspended workduring the pandemic, and degrading wages. Also of particular interestare the actions and attitude of the self-proclaimed "war" of anti-laborpolicies and "right-wing terrorism", Vaxevani, with regard to thedemands of the workers, their trade union activity and, in general, anyopposition they express towards the line of inside the newspaper.Vaxevanis has repeatedly publicly slandered workers who have opposed hisanti-labor methods, he has criminalized union activity within the groupand at every opportunity he tries to get rid of these "burdens", as hehimself says, with new dismissals which they have no end. At the sametime, anyone who highlights his shameful employer role is accused by himand his inner circle of being a "Maximus inductee", as a "servant ofdark interests" and as an enemy of independent and fighting journalismthat fights the media he directs. We, on the other hand, know very wellthat his journalism is not only independent, but directly connected tothe hardline line of SYRIZA and is not only fighting, but deeplysystemic and very well fed during the SYRIZA government.So now we are once again in the same play viewers. In less than 1.5months, 3 workers have been retaliated by the publisher of Documento,while recently dozens of others have been forced to resign due to theclimate of employer terrorism that has been imposed within thenewspaper. In the face of the militant mobilizations of the workers andtheir organizations against this treaty, as well as the exposure of hisrot, Vaxevanis once again chose the path of assassinating thepersonalities of the workers In a recent article uploaded on the"Documento" website is being targeted as a whistleblower, a formeremployee of the newspaper for the accusations that have seen the lightof day after the publication of a text of complaint from the part ofemployees who have resigned or been fired from the medium. Not muchneeds to be said about Vaxevani's mudslinging, as the response wasimmediate and came from the same workers who wrote the above text, whodenounced the attempt to target their colleague. The practices of thisgarbage only anger and not retreat, fear and compromise, must cause theworkers, not to give in to the methodical efforts of the publisher toturn them against the righteous mobilizations that have been calledagainst him, but to strengthen them by fighting this ongoing employerterrorism treaty in "Documento".For our part, we stand in solidarity with the workers who have beendismissed and support the gathering of the Assembly of workers,unemployed, students in the media that has been called today, Thursday15/2 at 18:00, at the Documento offices. Against right-wing andleft-wing bosses, workers' struggles and solidarity will win!INITIATIVE OF ANARCHIST SAINTS OF ANARCHY - KAMATEROUhttps://protaanka.espivblogs.net/2024/02/15/kalesma-stirixis-tis-sygkentrosis-exo-apo-ta-grafeia-toy-documento/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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