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zondag 31 maart 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE GERMANY - Online news journal - (en) Germany, Die Platform: Anarchist declaration for March 8th: Break the chains for the feminist revolution! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

As every year, on March 8th we raise our voices in resolute solidarity
with women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people
(FLINTA*s) worldwide. We defend ourselves against patriarchal power
structures in the firm conviction that social change is only possible
through active resistance. ---- In the current global political
situation, FLINTA*s are confronted with different facets of patriarchal
exploitation, oppression and violence: Economic exploitation still
exists due to the double burden of wage work and care work. FLINTA*s not
only take on a large part of the unpaid care work, but are, on average,
paid significantly less in the area of wage work. This results in an
increased workload in everyday life, an increased risk of poverty,
especially in old age, and dependency on the usually male partner.
In addition to economic exploitation, there is gender-specific violence,
which manifests itself in cultural and religious traditions, in families
and partnerships, in schools and universities, in the workplace and on
the streets. The peak of this violence is the consistently high number
of femicides and anti-queer murders. Every day in Germany a man tries to
murder his partner or ex-partner. These attempted and accomplished
murders do not happen by chance. These are not isolated cases or private
relationship dramas, but rather murders of women because they are women.
They happen right among us - in the neighborhood, behind the doors, out
on the street. They occur in all social classes.
In the countless wars that are being waged around the world on the backs
of the working class, reactionary social tendencies are increasing.
Nationalism is gaining momentum and binary gender roles are becoming
entrenched. At the same time, FLINTA*s experience a particular risk of
gender-specific violence. Sexualized violence is often systematically
used as a weapon of war. This violence is often not adequately dealt
with in peace processes and the perpetrators face no consequences. The
situation of FLINTA*s worsens during the war due to a more difficult
supply situation. In conflict situations, FLINTA*s have less access to
medical care and their access to education continues to deteriorate.
The last few years have been particularly marked by a rapid increase in
anti-queer sentiment. The media is spreading sentiment against queer
people, new laws are constantly restricting their lives in many
countries and, driven by all of this, anti-queer violence on the streets
and in families is increasing. This development is part of a broader
patriarchal rollback driven by right-wing governments and movements as
well as religious institutions. Queer hostility and anti-feminism are
common denominators that unite various reactionary social forces.
We uncompromisingly strive for a world without any exploitation,
oppression and violence against FLINTA*s. But in order to achieve this
perspective, we have to get to the root of the problems. As a
relationship of power, patriarchy is closely linked to other
relationships of power. Capitalism depends on binary gender attributions
because they enable the gender-specific division of labor and the
devaluation of reproductive work. The state regulates population
development in the interests of national capital, therefore passes laws
to control the bodies of FLINTA*s and enforces the heterosexual
two-person relationship as the norm. Like patriarchal ideology, racist
ideology also refers to biological attributions. Racism and sexism
divide and weaken progressive struggles and the entire working class.
They are deliberately used by those in power to play workers off against
each other and to support capitalism. The fight against patriarchy, as
well as the entire fight for the liberation of the working class, can
only be successful if it is directed against all these power relations
and aims to overcome them with a social revolution.

Despite the brutality of patriarchy at all levels, we are witnessing
feminist struggles around the world that offer inspiring starting points
for the development of such a movement. In Argentina, feminists are
fighting against the ultra-liberal Milei government and are continuing
the path of the "Ni Una Menos" movement against femicide. As a result of
the women's revolution in Kurdistan, self-government based on feminist
principles emerged. Feminists are also opposing patriarchal regimes in
Iran, Afghanistan and Turkey. Resistance is forming in the USA against
transphobic laws and tightening abortion legislation. In Europe,
feminist strikes with widespread participation are taking place in Spain
and Switzerland. FLINTA*s fight not only in explicitly feminist
movements, but also in trade unions, educational and neighborhood
organizations. This diversity of resistance shows that the feminist
struggle is already inextricably linked to other social movements and
the struggle of the entire working class for its liberation

Our perspective for the feminist movement lies in strengthening
resistance on a global level. The fight against patriarchy, capitalism,
the state and racism requires the active participation of all genders.
As anarchists, we are committed to ensuring that the feminist movement
does not just wage symbolic struggles, as liberal feminism suggests. Our
path is neither the election of "progressive" candidates nor a "feminist
foreign policy". Instead, we want to fight for concrete improvements in
the workplace, in education and in neighborhoods: ending gender pay
inequality, collectivizing care work, abolishing state control over
bodies of FLINTA*s, protection from patriarchal attacks, education for
all, building financial and emotional resilience Solidarity networks,
organizing a community living together at eye level.

It's time for more FLINTA*s to become part of the feminist resistance.
Cis men, for their part, have a responsibility to do their part in
overcoming patriarchy. As anarchists, we fight for these perspectives at
all levels. Not just on March 8th, but all year round. Our rebellion
will not end until we break the chains of patriarchy and exploitation
and oppression finally fall.

Coming out March 8th!
Long live the global resistance against patriarchy, capital

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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