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zaterdag 27 april 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE TURKEY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Turkey, Yeryuzu Postasi: Who are we? - Agu 29, 2022 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Here is our text on what the Yeryüzü Postasi is, its purposes, and what
principles it advocates. ---- Yeryüzü Postasi is a publication,
propaganda and discussion collective formed by individuals who have come
together around common principles. This collective is against capitalism
and patriarchy, which are the main causes of inequality and domination
today, and advocates libertarian communism, in which all classes, all
forms of hierarchies and inequalities around the world will be
destroyed. For this reason, it defines itself as libertarian communist,
in other words anarchist communist.

Yeryüzü Postasi aims to develop and spread anarchist communist ideas and
debates and their penetration into social movements, to make social
problems and contradictions visible, to spread the voices of social
movements, especially workplace struggles, women's liberation struggles,
ecological struggles and mass uprisings in various parts of the world.
It aims to spread the news of these movements in order to inspire people
in other parts of the world.

Since October 2016, the primary publication and propaganda tool of the
Yeryüzü Postasi collective is yeryuzupostasi.org. This website contains
news on social and political issues and articles, translations and
videos on current, political and theoretical issues. In addition to its
website, Yeryüzü Postasi continues its publication and propaganda
activities on social media channels, by printed materials, and it
strives to improve the tools it uses.

What are our core principles?
Yeryüzü Postasi is against capitalism. Today, due to capitalism as a
worldwide economic, political and social order, billions of people don't
even have the income to fulfill their basic needs, while the capitalist
class holds the majority of the wealth in the world. Production is
shaped not according to social needs, but according to the interests of
capitalists and the need for expansion of capital. This system is the
main culprit of today's wars, the savage plunder of nature and the
climate crisis that has reached a level that threatens all living things
in the world. Therefore, the destruction of this system today is a
necessity not only for the salvation of humanity, but also for the
salvation of all life on earth.

Yeryüzü Postasi is against patriarchy. Societies all over the world have
been shaped by patriarchy, which is a set of social relations that is
much older than capitalism. Patriarchy, which dictates a gender-based
division of labor and continues its existence through male violence,
causes the exploitation of women's labor and body by men, the exclusion
of women from various areas of social life or their unequal existence in
these areas. The struggle for equality and freedom requires a total
struggle against capitalism and patriarchy, which are the main causes of
inequality and domination.

Yeryüzü Postasi is against the state. Throughout history, states have
been tools for the domination and exploitation of a minority over the
majority. Today, the state is the most important tool that ensures the
continuation of patriarchy and capitalism. Whether in the form of
monarchy, dictatorship, or democracy, all states are despotic devices
serving the interests of the ruling classes. As long as states exist,
classes will also exist, and the state cannot be an instrument that can
be used for the transition to a classless society. A libertarian
communist society can only be achieved by the destruction of the states
with all their apparatuses and the creation of non-hierarchical
organizations in which the whole society can directly participate in the
decision-making process and where all privileges are abolished.

Yeryüzü Postasi takes a side in the class war. The main contradiction in
capitalism is between the capitalist class, which holds the wealth
produced and whose privileges are protected by the state, and the
working class, which produces wealth with its labor and forms the
majority of society. The anarchist communist movement is historically
rooted in the experiences in which this class contradiction has turned
into open conflicts, in the struggles of the working class. A
libertarian communist society can only be possible if this contradiction
turns into a total conflict. In that regard, anarchist communists are
not the defenders of the so-called common human values propagated by the
capitalist society, and they take a side in and constitute a part of the
conflict between the two main classes.

Yeryüzü Postasi is internationalist. We define and position ourselves as
part of the worldwide class struggle and the worldwide anarchist
communist movement. The material interests of the ruling classes are
concealed behind nationalism, which is the religion of the modern state
and the poison that pits people against each other. Workers have no
interest in national divisions, on the contrary, the interests of
workers all over the world are common, no matter what nationality they
come from. The struggle against capitalism can only be successful on a
worldwide scale. Therefore, being against nationalism and defending
internationalism is not only a principle that arises from ethical
concern, but a vital requirement for the success of the struggle.

Yeryüzü Postasi is against all forms of discrimination. Anarchist
communists aim to create a free world where everyone can live without
being subjected to discrimination. The vast majority of LGBTI+s,
minorities, immigrants or those who are discriminated against for
different reasons are also parts of the working class, and the problems
they experience are also expressions of peculiar demands and needs
within the working class. Discriminations that we experience and see
today can be have different roots. The struggle against all forms of
discrimination based on national identity, race, culture, belief, being
immigrant, gender or sexual orientation, whatever their origins may be
(in patriarchy, caused by national borders created by capitalism,
heritage of slavery, or artificial creations by the ruling classes and
states), is part of the anarchist communist struggle.

Yeryüzü Postasi advocates social revolution. The expropriation of the
capitalist class, the socialization of the means of production, the
elimination of wage labor and women's unpaid domestic labor, elimination
of the family, elimination of all forms of patriarchal relations and
discrimination, establishment of an order that everyone participates in
production according to their abilities and desires, and distribution of
the products of labor based on identified needs, freedom for all, and
real equality, where human and nature will be in harmony, all these are
only possible through a social revolution. The social revolution is not
just a moment of insurrection in which the power of the ruling classes
will be overthrown. It means a process of rapid and radical
transformation and restructuring of social, political and economic
relations, which also includes such moments of rebellion.

Yeryüzü Postasi is anarchist-communist. Libertarian communism aims the
establishment of an egalitarian, stateless, ecological social order
based on the principle, "from each according to their ability, to each
according to their needs" and reorganization of the society on the basis
of direct/participatory democracy, a society in which a humans and
nature exist harmoniously, through a social revolution eliminating
capitalism, patriarchy, the plunder of nature and states. However,
anarchist communism also offers us principles, means of struggle, and
forms of organization for the struggles that takes place before our eyes
today. In other words, it enables us to establish a link between the
daily struggles, solidarity practices and the social organizations to be
created in workplaces and neighborhoods, the general goal of a communist
society. We see anarchist communism as an idea that lays down principles
for the transition to the society we are struggling to bring about in
the future, as well as a guide that we can use today in our
relationships, social organizations and in all social struggle.

* This text on our current position is open to any criticism and suggestion.

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