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vrijdag 31 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY TRIESTE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, Trieste, Germinal: POLIFROCE (re)WRITINGS (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


The society in which we live imposes on us the concept of
hetero-mononormativity, stating that monogamy is the only valid
relational orientation, worthy of rights and representation. We often
don't feel safe living or sharing other forms of relationships, because
we can't find the right words or for fear of being judged. Other times
we are curious to experiment with other types of relationships, without
however having models of representation. ---- SmarzaPride invites you to
(re)SCRITTURE POLIFROCE, an afternoon dedicated to the theme of
non-monogamous relational orientations, in which you can talk freely
about your experiences and doubts, in which you can put your creativity
into play to regain your voice on this topic and propose your own
* Do you want to find answers to the questions "What would I do?, What
would I say?, How would I react?", in a lot of relationship situations?
Then the Let's have a PolyKiki board game is for you!
* Are you tired of always seeing just the same couples in the art around
us? Then get ready for Arte PolyAmorizzato, a moment of artistic
collages in which to create our polyartistic representation!
* Do you think Disney is still keeping its polyamorous fairy tales
hidden from us? So don't wait any longer, take part in PolyFroce Fairy
Tales to rewrite modern fairy tales from a new point of view!
* While waiting to cross the streets of Trieste again with the next
Smarza Pride on June 15th, we look forward to seeing many of you on
Sunday May 19th at 5pm in San Giusto.
Following there will be an aperitif with buffet (bring what you can or
would like to find) and we will conclude with music.
- 17 Let's have a PolyKiki (board game)
- 6.30pm PolyAmorizzato Art / PolyFroce Fairy Tales
- 8.00pm Aperitif and music

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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