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donderdag 9 mei 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE ITALY PALESTINE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, FAI, Umanita Nova: Solidarity with Palestine. Concrete initiatives against the Italian government. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The tragedy unfolding in Palestine confirms the role of states in

causing humanity's suffering. If we look at a long enough period, for
example the more than one hundred years that separate us from the
establishment of the British mandate over the region, we can see that
the state solution has only exacerbated the problems. Starting precisely
from the British mandate, passing through the constitution of the State
of Israel, to arrive at the constitution of the Palestinian National
Authority and the periodic massacres carried out by the Israeli
occupation troops and the continuous acts of violence carried out by the
settlers; at every turning point the problems, rather than being
resolved, have worsened, until today we arrive at the prospect of direct
intervention by the Western powers of which, as far as Italy is
concerned, the "Levante" operation is a premise.

The genocide taking place in Gaza is the latest episode in an
uninterrupted chain of violence, and has produced protests around the
world. Even in Italy, the solidarity movement with the Palestinian
people has been growing and has represented a fundamental component of
the new street protagonism that emerged between the end of last year and
the first months of this year. Official politics and the media give a
blurry and reductive image of this new protagonism.

Support for Israel is one of the cornerstones of the Italian
government's imperialist projection, fueled by ideological narratives
such as the enlarged Mediterranean or the Greater Middle East, which
hinges on the base of Djibouti and sees men and means of the Italian
armed forces destined for the defense of national borders, dispersed
over a vast area that goes from the eastern Mediterranean to the Red Sea
and the Persian Gulf, operating within the borders of others and
propping up dictatorial and bloody regimes. The Palestine solidarity
movement may be an obstacle to these plans.

Unfortunately, the Palestinian resistance to the Israeli military
occupation is led by religious and nationalist components and this means
that the international solidarity movement also reflects the role of
these components, with an attitude that fails to grasp the decisive role
that the various states play imperialistic.

I believe this movement is a field for our action. We must not be
discouraged by the orientation that often seems, especially among
spokespersons, to be far from our ideas and objectives. We know well
that sitting on the bank of the river and limiting ourselves to
criticizing and judging the authoritarian aspects does not help the
growth of the movement's consciousness; our action is needed to orient
us towards concrete objectives.

We must therefore show how the government's action, in this case the
current government chaired by Mrs. Meloni, strengthens Israel's
oppression, we must show the repercussions that this action has on the
condition of the masses in Italy and we must also show how the Bottom-up
action can hinder government action. In other words, it is about showing
that, since it is the government that has the power to make foreign
policy, we must try to reduce it and force it to use it in the least
harmful way possible. And we must do this by pressing on him through
agitation in the square, threatening to take by force what is demanded.

There are three main areas on which it is possible to operate and which
call into question the role of the Italian government: first of all the
issue of the export of weapons and auxiliary systems to Israel, then the
blocking of UNRWA funds, finally the "Levante" and "Aspides.

As regards the first theme, there is an urgent need to mobilize against
the production of death, starting with those destined for Israel and
destined to be used in ongoing massacres, such as targeting systems.
This implies calling into question Leonardo which is the main exporter
in Israel and which has long had a very close link with that state.

As regards the UNRWA funds, intended to support the civilian population
with food and health aid, it is worth remembering that Italy is one of
the very few governments that still maintains the freeze on funds, which
was also lifted by governments that initially applied it like the one
At the end of March there were protest initiatives in various Italian
cities against the "Aspides" mission which presents itself more clearly
as a military mission to protect traffic in the Red Sea destined for
Israel; in reality the "Levante" mission also uses the mask of the
hospital ship to cover a further step towards intervention in the
Palestinian crisis.
The solidarity movement with Palestine can grow and be more effective by
setting up practical initiatives on these issues. The imperialist war
stops by hindering the march of its government towards war

Tiziano Antonelli

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