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woensdag 5 juni 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE GAZA - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL CA #339 - A killer robot in Gaza, new grenades, 76, 258 detainees in France and other chronicles of control and repression - Big brother 339(ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

A killer robot in Gaza, new grenades, 76,258 detainees in France and
other chronicles of control and repression - Big brother 339

A killer robot in Gaza ---- The announcement was made by the Israeli
newspaper Haaretz (1): "In order to avoid injuring soldiers and dogs,
the IDF is experimenting with the use of remote-controlled robots and
dogs during the Gaza war. Most of the tests were carried out with a
"robot dog", also equipped with a drone. Unmanned remote-controlled D9
bulldozers are also used. ---- An over-armed state supported by the West
massacres a civilian population, and the colonial genocide is also the
ground for testing the “innovative” tools of the military-industrial
complex on human beings.
A video shows the robots deployed. This is a model called “Vision 60”
and designed by an American company called Ghost Robotics. Each of these
dogs costs $165,000. They are considered semi-automatic, work
underground and above rubble, and can get back on their feet even if
they fall. In the past, the firm had mounted a model of its robots
called “Spur” firing in bursts, equipped with a gun on its back.
A few years ago, the American company Boston Dynamics presented its
first bright yellow “robot dog” called SPOT. The invention was presented
as friendly and harmless. The grumpy people who announced a future
military use of such a robot were treated as paranoid and conspiracy
theorists. Until a company decides to weaponize this machine. Now the
robot is equipped with an assault rifle or surveillance tools and
operates in Gaza in real conditions.
Israel is at the forefront of technological horror experiments. An
automated LBD firing with the help of artificial intelligence at human
targets is installed at checkpoints in the West Bank. Shooting drones
equipped with war weapons kill in Gaza. Artificial Intelligence was used
to bomb the Palestinian enclave. Now that this new “market” is open and
the first uses on the ground are being carried out by Israel, the
dystopian one-upmanship (2) is only beginning.
Sources: youtube.com and haaretz.com
(1) Haaretz (sometimes written Ha'aretz) is a national daily newspaper
in Israel. Its editorial line is from the left to the extreme left.
Haaretz thus constitutes the largest socialist daily newspaper in Israel.
(2) A dystopia is a fictional story depicting an imaginary society
organized in such a way that it is impossible to escape and whose
leaders can exercise total authority and without the constraint of
separation of powers, over citizens who can no longer exercise their
free will.

Legay affair: the ordering commissioner convicted!
The facts date back to March 23, 2019, during a banned “yellow vest”
demonstration in Nice. The Attac activist, Geneviève Legay, then aged
73, was thrown to the ground and seriously injured by the police charge
(see CA 337 under this section).
The commissioner, Rabah Souchi, who ordered this charge was sentenced to
six months in prison on March 8 before the Lyon Criminal Court. It is
not the police officer who violently hit the Attac activist but his
superiors who are found guilty. A great first!
The commissioner was prosecuted for “complicity in violence by a person
holding public authority”.
The court found that this order was “neither justified nor proportionate
nor necessary”, thus following the prosecutor's indictment according to
which this charge was “neither necessary nor proportionate”.
Arié Alimi, lawyer for Geneviève Legay, considers that this judgment
puts an end to “the immunity and irresponsibility of those giving orders
in matters of police violence”. If only this were true!
As for Rabah Souchi, he announced that he would appeal this decision,
described by his lawyer Laurent-Franck Liénard as “very questionable and
Note, however, that at the beginning of February 2024, Rabah Souchi, 54,
was appointed deputy director of the Nice municipal police. Nice recycling!
Sources: lemonde.fr and mediapart.fr

Identity checks: An investigation by the Defender of Rights..
Every year, nearly 47 million identity checks are carried out, according
to the Court of Auditors (see CA 336 under this section)
According to a survey by the Defender of Rights entrusted to researchers
from the Center for Sociological Research on Law and Penal Institutions
(Cesdip), on the working conditions of law enforcement officers and
their attitudes towards the population, published Tuesday February 27,
almost two police officers and gendarmes surveyed in five (39.2%)
consider identity checks “little or not effective” in guaranteeing the
security of a territory.

This survey is based on a sample of 976 gendarmes and 655 police
officers spread over seven departments: three in the Paris region
(Yvelines, Essonne, Val-d'Oise) and four in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
region (Cantal, Isère, Loire, Rhône) . The police are the most skeptical
about the effectiveness of targeted controls on cannabis users, 69.5%
deeming this method to be little or not effective. Concerning
professional practices, the responses are contrasting: if the use of
force to obtain confessions is disapproved in more than nine cases out
of ten (therefore approved by 10%!), nearly six respondents out of ten
(59.8% ) believe that, in certain cases, the use of more force than what
is provided for in the texts should be tolerated...
Continuing training remains a problem according to a significant
proportion of the law enforcement officers interviewed. A small minority
of gendarmes and police officers (12% and 5.5% respectively) have
benefited from training in the past year on de-escalation of violence.
Likewise, almost half of the agents (45.7%) say they are insufficiently
trained in citizens' rights. 66.6% have studied minors' law, 53.5%
non-discrimination law, 28.8% refugee and foreigners' law.
Faced with these results, the Defender of Rights invites the public
authorities and institutions concerned to implement the recommendations
that it has made on numerous occasions, such as "strengthening the
initial and continuing training of police officers and gendarmes" and
"putting establishes a system for evaluating the practice of identity
checks, their effectiveness and their impact on relations with the
population. OK ! But we doubt that police violence can be explained by
any lack of training…
Source: Lemonde.fr

Prisons: 76,258 prisoners in France as of February 1, a new overcrowding
As of February 1, French prisons had 61,737 operational places. The
overall prison density stands at 123.5%. In remand centers, where
detainees awaiting trial, therefore presumed innocent, and those
sentenced to short sentences are incarcerated, the occupancy rate is
147.7%. It reaches or even exceeds 200% in 16 establishments or
Due to this overcrowding, 3,059 prisoners are forced to sleep on a
mattress placed on the floor, or 50.2% more than a year ago. Among those
incarcerated, 20,254 are defendants, incarcerated while awaiting their
In total, 92,641 people were detained as of February 1. Among them,
there are 16,383 non-detainees placed under an electronic bracelet or
placed outside. It just goes to show that the “alternatives” to
confinement have not reduced the number of prisoners!
Note: an annual increase of 21.6% in the number of convicts in external
placement housed, that is to say who are serving their sentence in an
open environment, outside a penitentiary establishment, within a
framework defined by the judge – there were 203 on February 1.
The government is counting, as usual, on the construction of new prison
places: 15,000 by 2027! These new places will only have the effect of
possibly and occasionally reducing prison density.
Source: lemonde.fr

New grenades coming soon!
At the beginning of November, the French state placed an order for
grenades worth more than 78 million euros, the largest in 10 years. Many
of these law enforcement grenades are still unknown. This is how for
more than 12 million euros we find a model from Brazilian manufacturer
Condor. This is the GL-307 grenade. This is a sound effect grenade. On
the technical sheet of the Brazilian manufacturer, the description
speaks for itself. “The GL-307 sound effect grenade was designed to
produce a loud blast effect and intense blinding in riot control
operations. » With a “Do not collect” pictogram written on it, it
explodes after 2.5 seconds. Its noise level reaches records in the
French arsenal. With up to 165 decibels at 10 meters, it outperforms the
current model which already goes up to 160 dB. According to BruitParif,
the noise observatory in Île-de-France, “the pain threshold for the ears
is reached at 120 decibels. At this level, the damage to hearing is
irreversible. » According to Condor documentation, at a distance of 2
meters, the intensity of the law enforcement grenade reaches 175 dB.
As a Latin American investigation reveals, "the business of repression",
the GL-307 law enforcement grenade produces shrapnel, fragments
projected more than 10 meters from the site of the explosion which can
cause injuries. serious injuries.
In this order we find another model of grenade never used: “40
millimeter grenade cartridges with sound effect”. They are intended to
be fired with the future double-barrel grenade launcher. A 40 mm
launcher which also equips the Centaur, the new gendarmerie armored
vehicle. Today, law enforcement only uses tear gas grenades with this
caliber. Not for long !
According to the investigation carried out by Politis, it is the GM2F.
It causes a sound effect of 153 dB at 10 meters, always above the pain
With this purchase of more than 78 million euros, the government is
equipping itself with twelve different law enforcement grenades. Four
smoke bombs, four tear gas bombs, three deafening bombs and one
deafening and tear gas bomb. Many project fragments that can cause
serious injury.
Source: politis.fr

Thousands of euros in fines for young people from working-class
The fixed fine is a mass repressive tool used among the working classes.
This criminal sanction is imposed by the police or the gendarmerie
outside any control of magistrates, outside of any trial.
Researcher Aline Daillère thus highlighted in her research “The police
officer, judge of the street. Lump sum fines or the expansion of
discretion” that “multi-verbal offenders, the vast majority of young
racialized men aged 13 to 25 and residents or users of working-class
neighborhoods, have in common the fact that they receive a large number
of fixed fines” . In short: a way to racketeer and humiliate suburban
youth, putting them in even more trouble financially.
The researcher thus carried out a careful investigation into this
strategy of police harassment. In support, “around fifty interviews,
gathered nearly 1200 fines distributed in the 12th arrondissement, but
also in other Parisian districts and three suburban municipalities”.
As the researcher explains, the police act as judges, thus using fixed
fines to impose sentences, without reason or trial. A criminal sanction
which thus eliminates any notion of a fair trial and gives the police
the right to impose thousands of euros in fines without control or limits.
 From year to year, the scope of application of fixed fines has
increased, moving from only fines linked to traffic violations, to
noise-related offenses in 2012, before applying from 2016 in the tort
field. In 2019, the fixed fine can now be used in the event of illicit
use of drugs in particular.
The fixed fine was then particularly used during the Covid-19 pandemic,
particularly in working-class neighborhoods. In comparison, some people
and neighborhoods have been completely spared from repeated police
checks. “During a period, I could receive three or four fines per week,”
explains one young person. Fines which, in the majority of cases, are
sent to people without their knowledge, piling up in their mailboxes. In
many cities, fines have been distributed on the basis of video
surveillance, therefore in a completely arbitrary manner, without there
being any control, without checking the famous “exit certificates”.
The LOPMI law of January 24, 2023 then expanded the scope of this
criminal sanction without trial to 85 new offenses, including sexist
contempt, occupation of building halls, street vending, intrusion in a
school establishment..." "A simple spit on the sidewalk or a can left
lying around on a bench falls into the category of 2nd class fines for
"garbage, waste, droppings, materials, unsanitary liquids or any other
object of any nature whatsoever" abandoned on public roads. And cause a
fine of 35 euros, increased to 75 euros after two months.”

The police have this power to reduce and keep people in a situation of
endless poverty. Young people who find themselves with thousands of
euros in debt even as they reach the age of majority, without any
prospect of being able to repay unfounded debts, creating an immense
feeling of injustice. The criminal fine can in fact reach the sum of
3,000 euros and the fines can also be combined during the same
inspection. Contesting these fines is in theory possible, but with
evidence that is often impossible to gather, and before a public
prosecutor in direct contact with the police, without any independence
This is indeed a voluntary strategy of terror and economic punishment, a
repression that maintains a system of class and endless domination.
Sources: contre-attack.net and basta.media

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