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woensdag 24 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE AFRICA TANZANIA - ANIMALS - AFA Animals First Aid - Neglected, untreated, overworked : Poor Donkeys of Tanzania needs your help.


Neglected, untreated, overworked : Poor Donkeys of Tanzania needs your help

Dear friends,

We are reaching out with an urgent appeal to support the Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO) in partnership with Animals First Aid. Our mission is to enhance the welfare of animals across Tanzania, and we rely on the kindness and generosity of individuals like you to continue our vital work..


Credit: Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO)

We must stop illegal and brutal trade of donkey skins for traditional Chinese medicine.

TAWESO is committed to improving the lives of all animals in Tanzania through various programs and initiatives. Our dedicated team of volunteers and a few employed staff members work tirelessly across four regions: Coast, Central, Southern, and Lake zones. We tackle significant animal welfare challenges, including the lack of awareness about animal care, endemic rabies due to poor vaccination rates, and the harsh conditions faced by donkeys, dogs, and cats.


Credit: Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO)

One of our key initiatives is humane education. We educate children and communities about animal welfare, instilling respect and compassion from a young age. By raising awareness, we aim to create a society that values and protects all animals.


Credit: Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO)


Credit: Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO)

Donkey welfare is a critical focus area for us. Donkeys are often overworked and abused, which significantly shortens their lifespan. They play a vital role in rural communities by carrying water, working in fields, and transporting goods. However, the illegal and brutal trade of donkey skins for traditional Chinese medicine has led to a rapid decline in the donkey population.

Credit: Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO)

This trade not only results in immense suffering for the donkeys but also disrupts the livelihoods of many rural communities. Efforts to combat this issue include advocating for stricter regulations, raising awareness about the ethical implications of using donkey-derived products, and supporting conservation and breeding programs to replenish donkey populations.


Credit: Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO)

Two donkeys from a villager in Mpwapwa, Dodoma, Tanzania, represent a large group of neglected donkeys in the area. These donkeys are left untreated while being overworked for hours each day. Poor harness methods lead to skin wounds, especially while driving donkey carts in mountainous terrain to harvest peasant crops, transport building materials, collect water and firewood, and ferry grocery products. The donkeys need veterinary services, proper harnesses, and education for their owners to improve their welfare. We also address dog and cat population control through spaying, neutering, and vaccination programs. These efforts help prevent overpopulation and the spread of diseases such as rabies. By controlling the population, we can reduce the number of stray animals and improve the overall health of the community.
Your continued support is crucial. By committing to a monthly donation, you help us plan and allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that our noble cause and mission receive the ongoing support they need.

By donating this cause you will be helping Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO) in Tanzania.

Caring for all, leaving no one behind.
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