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zondag 21 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE MARSEILLE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL29: Marseille: strike among chambermaids at the Radisson Blu hotel (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 This Sunday, June 30, the 13 strikers from the Radisson Blu hotel in the

old port of Marseille - a 4-star hotel with a wealthy international
clientele - met, with their supporters, to stage a noisy and festive
strike picket. A good meal lasting several hours in the middle of the
afternoon, in one of the most touristy places in Marseille: this does
not go unnoticed. ---- The tourists or simple passers-by arrested by
this hubbub seem very surprised that a gathering is possible at this
tourist spot, but overall the reactions are rather one of solidarity
towards these chambermaids, employees of the ACQUA company, under -hotel
attendant for housekeeping.

Meanwhile, the sweep of taxis continues, dropping off wealthy
international tourists who are hotel guests. Some seem rather taken
aback by such a welcome, others whiny, like this French-American from
Los Angeles who asks to stop the noise because it hurts the ears, while
promising in exchange to go and speak to the director of the hotel so
that these women are better paid... in short, class contempt does not
hold, this woman is kindly thanked for her solidarity with a resumption
of the casserole concert!

This struggle is not new. And for good reason, these women have been on
strike for more than a month. The subcontractor ACQUA is used to these
strikes. Already at the Mariott hotel in 2023 and Adagio in 2022,
chambermaids opposed the management of this company specializing in
hotel cleaning, over demands for wages and working conditions.

Today, the Radisson Blu strikers are demanding:

· the right to a 13th month, as colleagues of the same subcontractor in
other hotels have the right;

· an annual bonus for the hardship of the summer season

· the increase in the basket bonus and qualifications in the salary scale

· the end of replacements imposed in other hotels where the employer is
a service provider, sometimes on the other side of the city

· the reduction in cadences

The struggle is starting to be long despite the financial support of
their union, the CNT Solidarité Ouvrière. If in Marseille the tourist
season began in April, big deadlines are coming for the hotel industry
with the hosting of sailing and football events as part of the Olympic
games. The struggle can still continue, but the losses in terms of image
for this hotel could be very significant if the strike, with its pickets
a little too visible for the taste of the management and other employees
of the hotel, were to last over the course of the year. July. Everyone
hopes for a near and victorious end to this struggle, but these women
have promised that they will see it through to the end.

In the meantime, the strike fund set up remains an important means of
supporting the struggle and giving it a chance to hold out "until the end"!

OCL 13

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