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vrijdag 26 juli 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE GREECE - news journal UPDATE - (en) Greece, APO, Land & Freedom: Update from the 7th Conference of the Anarchist Political Organization (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On May 25 and 26, 2024, the 7th Congress of A.P.O. In this two-day

process, the collectives - members of APO, Anarchist collective "Circle
of Fire" (Athens), Anarchist collective "Omicron 72" (Athens),
Collectiveness for Social Anarchism "Black and Red" (Thessaloniki) and
Collectiveness for Libertarian Communism "Libertatia" (Thessaloniki),
which on the first day, in the context of the open debate, were placed
in relation to a series of issues of the political and social situation,
while on the second followed the internal dialogue and report on the up
to now , but also the future movement of the organization. The open
process of the first day was also attended by comrades from the Occupy
Rosa Nera (Chania/Crete) and the Anarchist Student Assembly Quieta
Movere (Thessaly).

The positions in the context of the open process of the first day
referred to a series of political and social topics of recent years. The
analyzes of the groups started from the overall crisis of the
state-capitalist system which shields itself in the face of the
possibilities of expressing social discontent, no longer giving those
from below any perspective except war, fascism, the exacerbation of
exploitation and oppression, the plundering of nature, refugees,
poverty, destitution and death, as well as the necessity of organized
social and class counter-attack in the face of the imposition of modern
totalitarianism and generalized brutality. Then the placements focused
on specific fields where the total restructuring of the system is
implemented and the development of the anti-social designs of the
dominion that looks forward to nothing more than the development of its
power, the expansion of its sphere of control and the increase of its
profits .
In the aggravation of the aggression and rivalry of the interstate
formations with military means as it is taking place in Ukraine, after
the invasion of Russia two years ago and in the escalation of aggression
and the attempted genocide of the Palestinian people by the State of
Israel, a stable ally of the Western power bloc , which for 76 years,
with the establishment of a modern apartheid and the normalization of
terror, exclusion and extermination of an entire people, has been a
model of a modern totalitarian regime for the global dictators of humanity.
In the uprooting of millions of people from their homes due to wars and
economic impoverishment for which the global political and economic and
elites are completely responsible and in the anti-immigration policy,
the building of Fortress Europe, the creation of mechanisms like
FRONTEX, with the murders at the borders and the drownings in the
Mediterranean, with the fences, the concentration camps and the violent
In the continuous anti-social restructurings implemented by state and
capital, with the systematic degradation of Health, the anti-drug bills,
the giantization of accuracy, the worsening of the housing issue, the
looting of nature and the consequences on people's lives, the attempted
privatization of of higher education by bypassing Article 16, upgrading
the state's legal arsenal by passing the new criminal code and the
criminal procedure code.
In the aggravation of gender-based violence, trafficking rings, abuses
and femicides, the reappearance of fascists and the cultivation of
conservative reflexive society, the state repression against the
fighters and especially against the anarchist and revolutionary movement
with the evictions of the squatters, the police attacks on
demonstrations, state plots and persecution of anarchists, terrorism
against society with police democracy, control and state assassinations.
Finally, the need to develop and expand the organized resistance from
below in a series of intervention fields, such as educational, social
and class/labor, the expansion of the tools of deposition of the
anarchist concept and theory, as well as the more comprehensive defense
of the anarchist project itself and its social, subversive and
revolutionary character, especially in a volatile period where the
overall and organized attack of the state and bosses is constantly
sharpening, making the question of the organization of anarchists and
their counter-attack even more imperative and necessary both today and
in the near future where repression will intensify as will efforts to
mediate and assimilate social and class struggles.

During the second day, the proceedings of the Conference continued with
the internal discussions of the collectives concerned with the account
of the movement of APO so far, the operation of its organs and special
thematic groups and set the directions of movement of the organization
for the next period, with horizon of the next Conference planned for the
winter of 2024 in Athens.

A.P.O. expresses, from the moment of its formation, an open proposal for
anarchists referring to organized and collective struggle and social
revolution; a permanent proposal for the political and organizational
constitution of the anarchist movement. Given the assessment that the
state's repressive campaign is a long-term choice of suffocating social
and class struggles and the spearhead of the overall business of
changing the social place into a dystopia of exploitation and
subjugation and having the assessment of the underlying social explosion
against this business, we want to move forward in building a political
plan that confronts the challenges of our times head on, taking into
account those with whom we march and seeking to be on the side of even
more. With a study on the organization of the defense against the
advance of the state and the bosses and having as a horizon the
generalized social and class emancipation. Consistently on the class and
social fronts of struggle that set barriers to the further degradation
of our lives today and with the goal of conquering the only life worth
living: that of the popular councils of the Social Revolution.


Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectivities

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