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vrijdag 30 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE BELGIUM BRUSSELS - The Brussels Times - THE RECAP - Friday 30 August 2024


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With its cosmopolitan outlook and status as the capital of European politics and centre for world organisations, Belgium is an appealing place to study. .
The 35-year-old man is wanted for a murder committed in Ghent in 2019. .
A resident of the apartment, a man in his twenties, had arranged to meet one of the men via the dating app targeted at gay men Grindr. .
The chances of a coveted portfolio for the Belgian EU Commissioner will become slimmer if Belgium is unable to submit a name before tomorrow's deadline. .

"It soon became apparent that this person was falsely impersonating an officer." .
With heightened security at the Port of Antwerp, police say it "makes sense" for drug mafias to look for alternative routes, including Ghent. .
"We didn’t want to spoon-feed our students, but instead challenge them intellectually with a language outside the Indo-European group." .
Three packages containing a total of 86 kgs of cocaine were found on Monday and Tuesday on beaches in northern France. .


The Jewish community in Antwerp goes back to the Middle Ages, when Jews were driven out of England, Spain and Portugal. .

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