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zondag 11 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire: Quiilombo Bookstore: news (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Hello, ---- Like Annie Le Brun, we don't know where we're going, but we
know what we despise. A good start so that tomorrows don't totally
disappoint. ---- The bookstore remains open until Friday, July 26th
inclusive at the usual times, from 1pm to 8pm - except Saturday, July
20th: exceptional closure for the day. Reopening scheduled for Tuesday,
August 20th at 1pm. Until then, don't hesitate to come visit us or order
books from us. ---- In addition, we have some pretty bad news: the
increase in postage costs coupled with the price of paper which is still
increasing, no longer allows us to send 6000 48-page catalogs each year.
Unfortunately, we plan to reduce mailings by half. So, if you wish to
continue receiving it - or not for that matter - do not hesitate to
write to us to let us know. We will notify you with each newsletter by
November and the sending to the printer.

Below, a little taste of what we are preparing as meetings for the start
of the school year as well as a small retrospective of the previous
selections of the month in case you missed some books.

See you soon rue Voltaire,
The Quilombo team
Friday September 13

The Time of Revolts: meeting with Anne Steiner

Anne Steiner will present her book The Time of Revolts. A History in
Postcards of Social Struggles in the "Belle Époque" (Éditions
L'échappée) from 8 p.m. // in the bookstore (23 rue Voltaire, Paris XIe,
m° Rue des boulets or Nation).

On the eve of the First World War, social conflicts are multiplying
everywhere in France. Beyond the concrete demands, these are always
struggles for the recognition of work and know-how, a fight for dignity.
The harshness of these fights is matched by the brutality of the
repression. Troops charge, mutilate and kill, and prison sentences rain
down on demonstrators and unionists. These years of social war
correspond to the golden age of the postcard, whose production exploded
between 1900 and 1914.

At a time when press photographs were rare and of mediocre quality, it
was on this medium that the highlights of these urban or rural revolts
were captured: processions, barricades, dragoon charges, sabotaged
machines, burned-down employers' homes, but also communist soup
kitchens, festivals and meetings (...).

Tuesday, September 24

La Clef des songes by Alexandre Grothendieck: meeting with Laurent Lafforgue

Laurent Lafforgue, postfacer of the book, will present La Clef des
Songes ou Dialogues avec le Bon Dieu by Alexandre Grothendieck (Éditions
du Sandre) from 8 p.m. // in the bookstore (23 rue Voltaire, Paris XIe,
m° Rue des boulets or Nation).

A work-sum that attests to the spiritual journey of a man that the
scientific community considers a pioneering and decisive thinker, this
luminous text gives an account, in an orderly and rigorous manner, of
biographical events - in particular his childhood and the period spent
in a French internment camp during the Second World War -, of his
investigations on the dream, as a starting point for his encounter with
God, but also of philosophical reflections on the imagination, freedom,
creation, silence and listening... (...).
Tuesday, October 8

Digital Barbarism: Meeting with Fabien Lebrun and Survie Paris In
partnership with Survie Paris, Fabien Lebrun will present his book
Barbarism: Another History of the Connected World (Éditions L'échappée)
from 8 p.m. // in the bookstore (23 rue Voltaire, Paris XIe, m° Rue des
boulets or Nation).

Beginning in the 1990s, the explosion in the production of electronic
goods, characteristic of the transition from capitalism to its digital
stage, triggered a war of technological metals in the Congo (DRC) that
has only grown in intensity. This in-depth investigation shows that
dematerialization is indeed a myth. The civilization of the screen is
synonymous with a digital barbarity that manifests itself in the Congo
by: a militarized economy and institutionalized crime, widespread
pillaging, forced labor, rape as a weapon of war, the destruction of
forests and the annihilation of biodiversity... So many disasters that
make the Congo one of the greatest tragedies in contemporary history,
the high price to pay for a connected world (...).

publisher of the moment: Nada

All or nothing! Founded in 2013, Nada editions are part of a long
personal and collective journey. In the early 2000s, Rachel Viné-Krupa
and David Doillon found themselves in the Marée Noire group in Nancy, an
association that was a member of the Anarchist Federation. "We made
brochures of anarchist texts that we distributed on press tables, in
libertarian book fairs, at demonstrations or during concerts, in squats,
etc. We also set up another association, Chamboultou, where we were
freer to choose the texts that we published." All this in parallel with
university studies since Rachel was then writing a thesis on the Mexican
painter Frida Kahlo and David a DEA on the Mexican anarchist Ricardo
Flores Magón (...).


La Feuille n°7

The seventh issue has arrived from the printer: don't hesitate to come
and pick it up on rue Voltaire. We will also post it with each order. A
table is also present at the bookstore, presenting the different works
presented in our little newspaper. While waiting for it, you can
discover the bibliography dedicated to engraving
(https://librairie-quilombo.org/gravures-rebelles-9997 ) as well as the
featured collection, Précurseurs et militants published by Plein Chant
(https://librairie-quilombo.org/precurseurs-et-militants )

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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