We reproduce here a presentation of Premières shakes des Uprisings of
the earth, published in La Grand Goule (GG), anarchist communistnewspaper from Poitou, which invites readers to discuss the proposals
and analyzes proposed in this book. ---- A welcome invitation because,
as the GG says, it is rare that in revolutionary circles questions of
strategy are addressed concretely. Since this book appeared, The
Uprisings seems to be leaning towards a line in which anti-fascism would
justify new alliances. With anti-fascist fractions of the bourgeoisie?
Between fractions of the proletariat? Both at the same time, which would
explain the "crucial" importance they attach to these elections? We will
see. The fronts tell us nothing of value when they are materialized by
"alliances" between parties who will only stop, once in power, from
swallowing up the only front that is valuable in our eyes, that of the
exploited on the ground. struggles against the bourgeoisie. The only
front that would allow fascism or post-fascism to be thrown into the
dustbin of history.
It is not easy to provide a collective review of a book that has only
just been released and which addresses issues that affect us very
closely. Especially since it is rare for revolutionary movements to
address questions of strategy linked to analyzes of the period we are
going through, other than through timeless ideological rehashings which
have shown their limits.
While waiting for more collective points of view resulting from future
discussions (it is already a first merit of the book to generate them),
La Grand Goule will be happy to publish the points of view that readers
would like to share with us. achieve.
From my point of view, the book is both thought-provoking and disturbing.
Stimulating because if Les Uprisings define themselves as "concentrated
on the defense of land and water", they do not make their struggle the
central element of social criticism, as many struggle activists tend to
do. called specific. The Uprisings are positioning themselves as one of
the elements shaking France in recent times, from the Yellow Vests to
the movement against pension reform, from the riots following the murder
of Nahel to the recent peasant movement with all its ambiguities.
Stimulating because they advocate reconnecting with direct action which
is in some way "written in the DNA" of anarchists in the sense of acting
for and by oneself without mediation or supreme guide.
Stimulating because for them, they proclaim from the start, it is about
"bringing ecology back down to earth", that is to say "giving up on
saving the planet" (an idealistic way to say the least of humanize the
earth). It will survive us and does not need us, affirm the Uprisings.
It is better to anchor ourselves in land and territorial struggles
rather than fishing for national or international institutions to change
course and make good decisions.
Seeking and promoting horizontality is an approach that has been gaining
momentum for more than 25 years throughout society and particularly in
the world of social conflicts. A very understandable result in a country
which has made verticality a model both for the "republican" State and
for the "socialist" movement: centralism and bureaucracy did not fail to
arouse rejections following the collapse of "socialism real" and the
observation that parliamentary democracy and liberalism only generate a
succession of wars, each more deadly than the last.
The Uprisings, like the libertarian movement as a whole historically,
are part of this search for horizontality. However, they think that we
should not throw the baby out with the bathwater: horizontality must, of
course, be cultivated but it has its weaknesses in terms of
decision-making capacity and overall political understanding. For
example, the movement that is currently taking shape is diverse and we
must therefore accept its heterogeneity, this is what is and will be its
strength. But we must still be able to decide when necessary at certain
times to mark the border with the enemy. Hence the need to accept a
minimum of verticality.
Of course Les Soulèves considers that this presents some dangers which
should not be ignored but that it is by articulating the two in an
"intelligent" way that we will move forward. How? This is where the
clues are missing except for a few references to "felt" more of a
psycho-sociological and group dynamic type than direct political control.
The book presents itself as collective, written and discussed by several
dozen people, which immediately leads to the question: but who are The
Uprisings? 200 people departing from the ZAD of NDDL in January 2021
tells us First tremors. Or now the hundreds (thousands) who recognize
themselves and work in the 150 newly created committees? Or just the few
dozen who met on a farm, out of sight, to develop a response to the
attempted dissolution requested by Darmanin?
There is a vagueness here which can remain productive to the extent that
it is not desirable to strictly delimit a dynamic (in any case it is
impossible), but it must be circumscribed and constantly observed with a
critical eye. to prevent decisions that concern the whole being taken
only by a small group deemed more suitable. Since there is a need to
"train the new arrivals" the Uprisings tell us, what will be the content
of this teaching?
The authors of the book are well aware of the possible shift towards
traditional forms of domination that certain acceptances can lead to and
they seek to find solutions to avoid them, which certainly concerns us
all. Indeed, getting around these obstacles does not depend on good
political leadership which would have found a remedy and miracle
techniques but on the collective capacity of a movement, in, alongside
and outside the Uprisings, to nourish this horizontality and to remain
autonomous while taking into account the political necessity of
articulating the local with the global fight against a system that we
want to destroy.
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