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dinsdag 6 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #351 - Culture, Read Les Utopiens n°25: 25 years, it's worth celebrating! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 As indicated in the magazine, this date of 25 years of Solidaires is

partly inaccurate since the story told in one of the contributions
refers to 28 years, if we mention SUD PTT, and SUD Santé goes back 36
years. If we focus on the history of Solidaires, that of Solidaires
Finances publics, the gauge reaches 76 years and even 106 years with
regard to the National Union of Journalists (SNJ), founded in 1918. But
then, why this approximation 25 year olds? The answer lies in the
concept of collective memory of this organization which is the common
thread of this issue.

The date chosen symbolically is the congress of December 1998 where it
was decided to put "Solidaires" in the statutory name common to all SUD
unions (for "Solidarity, Unitary, Democratic") and other components of
the organizations which then made up "the Group of ten." But let's not
get lost along the way by stopping history at a form of commemoration.
This number is anything but that. The subject reflects more sharing,
exchange, the plurality of learning together and solidifying links of
interprofessional solidarity.

The Solidaires trade union is based on various paths; on different
professions, on multiple union backgrounds: the editors had to make
editorial choices to reflect this diversity. First objective, to
represent the different facets of the history of Solidaires, hence for
the oldest: an article on the National Union of Journalists (SNJ),
another on the National Unified Tax Union (SNUI, today Solidaires
Finances public). SUD PTT and SUD Santé Sociaux are not forgotten
either, nor this strike of 1995 which was "the emergence of the SUD",
mentioned by Christian Mahieux through the example of the railway sector.

The experience of SUD Industrie is also recounted to illustrate the
progression from company unions to departmental unions. Local and
departmental interprofessional unions are essential parts of unionism in
the SUD. The experience in Loire-Atlantique recounts these developments
here. The issue also consists of views on activist activity, on these
organizational and union debates which have structured and formed these
particularities of internal management such as the search for consensus
and the refusal to limit oneself to majority/minority power relations.

The anniversary volume resonates with the desire to open Les Utopiens to
other union movements, to the contributions of activists from other
organizations. Militant commitments, political intelligence but also
respect for people, all the common threads of the SUDs, knowing each
other, respecting each other and acting together to win demands, never
omitting to think of a fairer and more humane society. Try to live and
think about an egalitarian and trusting relationship!

There are many people involved in this special issue, which is not a
tribute nor the fruit of a personality cult or any idolatry! It is a
pluralist issue, like the South, in which there are more names and
photos of activists than usual. In summary, Les Utopiens offers an
abundant volume, which is intended to be the expression of this quote.
"But the common tool, Solidaires, is not the property of anyone, it
belongs to all of us, those who brought it to life, bring it to life,
bring it to life; live and evolve according to a perspective, that of
social emancipation. The union belongs to each and every one of us, but
only exists and is useful in its collective form.» Let us wish many more
springs to this magazine and this spirit of solidarity. We often
associate 25 with the age of reason, let's not forget unreason.

Dominique Sureau (UCL Angers)

Les Utopiens, n°25, Syllepse editions, April 2024, 192 pages, 15 euros.

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