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woensdag 7 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL AL #351 - Anti-fascism, Neither forgetting, nor forgiveness: Honoring Clément Méric by bringing his struggles to life (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 After a massive week-long tribute for the 11th anniversary of the

assassination of Clément Méric by fascists, this year's demonstration
was marked by the news, particularly internationally. ---- How can we
bring the memory of our struggles to life in the present? The
demonstration on June 1 in tribute to Clément, an anti-fascist activist
assassinated in 2013 by neo-Nazis, provided a concrete example. The
annual union and political demonstration was in fact held in a
particular context, a few days after the start of the deadly Israeli
offensive on Rafah and while the French state sent the army to put down
the revolt of the Kanak people against the modification of the electoral
law aimed at silencing pro-independence voices.

It is therefore in a broad and anti-colonial unitary dynamic that a
particularly massive procession of thousands of people gathered in the
Parisian streets, particularly young people. The slogans highlighted a
common fight against colonial and racist violence, which serves as a
catalyst for the development of the extreme right. The international
dimension of the fascist murders was recalled by highlighting other
comrades murdered in recent years in Europe, such as rugby player
Federico Aramburu in Paris in 2022. And this is in order to strengthen
our solidarity with the ongoing struggles against all colonialisms that
the UCL paraded among the Kanak independence organizations, which came
in large numbers. Trade union organizations were also present, mainly
Solidaires, but also the CNT and the CGT, to remind us that anti-fascism
is indeed a union struggle.

Because as long as the material roots of the extreme right are not
uprooted, it will remain a mortal danger for our camp and our class.
This is why we must raise our opposition to racism, patriarchy,
transphobia and homophobia, capitalism and colonialism, which divide us
and feed off each other in an increasingly unequal and violent world.

And the far-right wave during the European elections a week after this
demonstration, particularly in France, only confirms this urgent
necessity: only the broadest anti-fascist unity will allow us to regain
the initiative. It is necessary, on a revolutionary and popular basis,
to propose a new society more desirable than that of hatred of all
against each and the strengthening of oppression. Let us strengthen the
unions, the Palestine collectives, the trans and feminist associations,
the anti-racist organizations, and let us lead together the unitary
struggles from the base which, alone, can truly put an end to fascism.

Hugo (UCL Paris Nord Est)

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