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dinsdag 13 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, Monde Libertaire: Elections trap for fools (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

The people voted, the people chose, the people give power. ---- The
people believe they have given power...but...the savagery of the
political class makes the people cuckolds, we have forgotten that we are
in a banana republic, where the law is low blows, the King twists and
twists the Constitution, the King's servants are at Matignon, at
Beauvau, on the banks of the Seine, in Neuilly, in rural areas, on
social networks and the media/merdias to spread the word of the great
Guru: the erections took place, certainly, but the people voted badly
and it is appropriate to "gather" to make a large majority, without
changing anything. ---- We go from "at the same time" to "neither, nor",
in short, let the people express themselves at the ballot box, we don't
care, we don't change anything, here, in the European Parliament, in the
many countries of dictatorships, of democracies, it's all the same.

It's the law of the smooth talkers, of those who eat from our bowls
without being invited, of the smooth talkers, of the lawless people, of
the great democrats who only recognize the results of votes when they
are in their favor.

I was 16 years old when I took to the streets in Toulon with my
anarchist friends and we waved our black flag shouting in unison
"elections are traps for idiots". I have 50 more and I make the bitter
observation: nothing has changed, it is pitiful, I am at a loss for
words, tomorrow I too will perhaps still be as stupid as yesterday to go
and vote for an illusion, a promise, a passing cloud.

As Ferré said, "I no longer have a voice for you"
So today, I will be brief.

I wish you another choice, I wish you the Revolution in joy. And that we
stop being taken for fools!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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