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woensdag 7 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY ANARRES - (en) Italy, Anarres Info: PRISONERS OF WAR (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 In the prisons for migrants, the CPR, riots have been going on for

months. ---- The decision to extend administrative detention to 18
months, in fact a real prison sentence imposed without trial, was the
detonator that sparked protests everywhere. ---- From Gradisca d'Isonzo
to Milan, from Macomer to Ponte Galeria, from Trapani Milo to
Caltanissetta there have been rebellions, escapes and very harsh
repression. ---- In the meantime, the concentration camp system is
outsourced with two CPRs in Albania.
The Turin CPR has been closed for almost a year and a half. For the
first time since 1999, when the undocumented were locked in containers
that were freezing in the winter and boiling in the summer, the riots
that broke out in February 2023 made a structure doubled in size and
built in brick in 2008 completely unusable. The one in Turin it was one
of the four administrative prisons that had never closed their doors,
even when the raging revolts brought the network of centers to almost
total paralysis.
The struggles of the winter of 2023 were an important moment in a very
harsh conflict, which cost many inmates prison, punitive movements,
beatings and deportation over a period of 25 years. This prison may soon
The government considers the CPRs a part of national security, of border
defense: the next ones will be built in military areas, under the
control of the Ministry of Defense. Whoever is locked up there becomes
in effect a prisoner of war.

In Turin the government and the fascists fan the flames of war between
poor Italians and poor immigrants, to have a free hand to wage war on us
First in Barriera, then in other neighborhoods there are the soldiers of
the "Strade Sicure" operation, six months on military missions abroad,
six months on the streets of our city. Entire areas have been put under
siege, with continuous roundups of people without documents or who live
thanks to an informal economy.
The government at all levels points the finger at the poorest,
racialized people, with the continuous blackmail of documents, to hide
the social war that it has unleashed against all the poor, Italian and
born elsewhere, siding alongside the masters large and small.
The ethnically targeted control of the territory aims to repress any
possible social insurgency in the bud.

The CPRs are an important cog in the expulsion machine, necessary to
maintain intact the reputation of intransigence towards "illegal
immigrants" that every government prides itself on.
The lives trapped in the CPR, suspended in the hotspots, balanced
between stamp papers and daily police abuses start from far away, in
lands where neocolonialism, the exploitation of resources and wars
create a desert.
For years, governments have been trying to move the borders further and
further away, to Libya, Niger, Sudan, making agreements with governments
and paramilitary militias to do the dirty work, rejecting and
imprisoning people on the move.
The Mediterranean has become an enormous shroud covering the lives of
tens of thousands of people who died at sea because no one helped them.
Those who do so, like NGO ships, are criminalised, fined and blocked.
At the eastern and western borders of the Bel Paese, migrants die on
Alpine passes or run over by a train in a tunnel, while those who have
the "right" cards don't even see the border. Borders have become mobile
boundaries against which exclusion of the poor is measured.
Borders are lines made of nothing on a map: they become real only when
there are armed troops guarding them, selecting who can pass and who cannot.

The legislation on immigration in our country has outlined a breakdown
in the liberal order, configuring itself as "administrative law of the
enemy". By "enemy law" we mean a body of legislation, whereby some human
groups (foreigners, subversives, those outside the norm, madmen,
disabled people) are persecuted for what they are and not for what they do.
In our country you are illegal by law. Entering "legally" is impossible:
to have a residence permit you need an employment contract signed in the
country of origin. How many bosses do you know who hire a worker they've
never seen sight unseen, in a country thousands of kilometers from Italy?
None of those who arrive have their papers in order. Whoever comes
across a check gets the dismissal document, if he is fished out he ends
up in the CPR.
The history of the CPR - once CIE and before that CPT - is a history of
revolts, escapes, beatings, hunger strikes, people who cut themselves,
others who sew their mouths shut. The Italian CPRs were destroyed and
rebuilt over and over again.

The CPRs are, together with the prisons, social dumps in which those who
have not adapted are locked up, those swallowed up by the streets, the
rebels, the rejects to be eliminated at the end of a process that begins
in the countries of origin.
The youngest, the healthiest, those who have family networks capable of
offering the resources to undertake a journey that can last years leave.
It's the first selection. Those who survive the journey, the torture and
rape in the Libyan concentration camps, the beatings on the Balkan
route, must face clandestine life in Europe.
They all work illegally, without the possibility of renting a house,
having a doctor, imagining a future. Anyone who, after years, manages to
have a contract is always under blackmail, because if he doesn't submit
to the boss and loses his job, he also loses the documents that make him
At every stage of this ferocious game of goose, someone doesn't make it
and ends up in the gears of the expulsion machine.
Lack of access to citizenship rights ends up resulting in the denial of
human rights. In reality, "human rights" are only the litmus test that
makes visible the exclusion of so many of those who live on this planet.
An exclusion not so much from rights, but from human society itself.
Putting an end to illegal immigration, deaths on the move, prisons for
migrants means putting an end to states, borders, armies, masters,

It means putting an end to an intolerable world order.

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