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donderdag 29 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE ITALY - news journal UPDATE - (en) Italy, UCADI #187 - What's new - USA at a crossroads (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Donald Trump's wounding reopens the electoral campaign games in the

United States, until then monopolized by the rather cloying debate on
whether or not the Democratic candidate should withdraw, giving us the
image of a country where the balance of power between its two souls is
resolved with machine gun fire. What is happening has all the
characteristics of the convulsions of a mortally wounded snake, which
wriggles in an attempt to find a balance, a clear representation of the
progressive decline of the empire which, after the defeats in Iraq and
Afghanistan, is torn apart by two wars that stand out from the
approximately 60 other open conflicts in the world: the one in Ukraine,
and the one in the Middle East.
If in the Middle East we can speak of a conflict that was suffered, as
it was imposed by the initiative of Hamas and the subsequent response of
Israel, in the Ukraine the United States and its allies have done
everything to prepare and then manage the conflict, and this even if the
war is presented as Russian aggression against a sovereign country. In
the face of these events, the people of the United States are divided
and torn apart, subjected as they are to the assault of the poor of the
world who from the most remote countries, from the poorest places of the
Latin American continent and beyond, head towards North America, in an
attempt to find more acceptable living conditions, escaping poverty,
misery and violence and not knowing instead that they are going to
immerse themselves in a country that makes material and social violence
a paradigm that guides its life in every aspect. This is demonstrated by
the distribution of wealth, working conditions, inequalities, pockets of
poverty, contradictions that characterize social and economic relations
in the country, the lack of a universal health system, which make the
pockets of poverty and backwardness of part of the population a
functional element to the general structure of the economic and power
system, which nevertheless penalize millions of citizens of the United
Even if the country's economy seems to be sailing with the wind in its
sails, attracting investments and creating jobs, inflation progressively
erodes wages, creating ever new poor, while on a global level the
country must deal with a world that is organizing itself outside of it.
The BRICS countries now constitute a block, albeit not homogeneous, but
which has as its reference 44% of the market and claims increasingly
conspicuous shares of wealth and profits.
Both the financial and currency hegemony of the United States are deeply
in crisis and are being called into question by the new structures that
are emerging; in this situation the country is at a crossroads.
Continuing to engage on a global scale, as a hegemonic power, perhaps
acting in concert with the bloc of Anglo-Saxon countries to maintain a
supposed hegemony over the world, or closing in on itself and adopting
an isolationist policy are the alternatives that the future presidency
of the United States will face.
It is essentially a question of choosing whether it is a priority to
continue to attack Russia and work on its dismemberment, or whether it
is better to concentrate every resource to counter the growing weight of
China on the markets and in international power politics. In both cases
Europe remains crushed, reduced in the first case to a vassal role and
in the second involved in the action to counter the growing weight of
China in the world, both from an economic and financial point of view,
and also in terms of military power. It is no coincidence that
regardless of how things go, the Atlantic Alliance has already extended
its range of action both to Africa and the Pacific.
Even if the income derived by Trump from having suffered the attack
allows him to present himself as a victim in front of the country and
constitutes an undeniable positional income, all games are not yet over
and the continuous writhing of the snake in the throes of convulsions,
risks with its coils to crush everything around it and to cause
incalculable damage for everyone. An even greater danger, if possible,
is constituted by the fact that the non-fatal outcome of the attack is
attributed by Trumpian rhetoric to God, which makes in the collective
imagination of the probable future President of the United States an
anointed of the Lord, with all the consequences of the case.

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