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donderdag 8 augustus 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE SOUTH-AMERICA MEXICO - news journal UPDATE - (en) Mexico, Chiapas: 1st Conspiracy of Autonomous Education and Anarchist Educations By ANA (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We share with you the schedule of the 1st Conspiracy of Autonomous

Education and Anarchist Educations that will take place in the city of
San Cristobal de Las Casas Chiapas on August 9, 10 and 11 of this year.
We will give priority to accommodation and food (1 meal per day and
coffee during breaks) to comrades with prior registration who come from
distant territories and/or accompanied by children.
The meeting will take place during the three days of the event through
the page https://conerre.tv/streaming and via Facebook Live on the pages
of the Anarchist Coordinator Tejiendo Libertad and La Pizarra Negra &
Kuxtal Corp, the locations being El Tlacuache Andino located at Calle
Presidente Alemán #15 in the Revolución neighborhood and Sendas at Calle
Maria Adelina Flores #50.

For more information you can write to the following emails
LaGrieta1@riseup.com and lapizarraykutxal@gmail.com

With joyful rebellion, we are waiting for you.

Anarchist Coordinadora Tejiendo Libertad  and  La Pizarra Negra & Kuxtal

Download the program in pdf format here:  https://goo.su/DhRUf

anarchist news agency-ana

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