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woensdag 11 september 2024


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Vestager on Apple tax victory: 'it made me cry'

Outgoing EU competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager said she was "99-percent surprised" the European Court of Justice finally backed her up on Tuesday, ruling finally that Ireland was owed €13bn in back taxes from Apple, but that she had been ready to face defeat "with a stiff upper lip."Read on »

EU Commission stonewalls on new German domestic border checks

The European Commission will not criticise Germany's decision to instigate widespread domestic border checks, in what appears to be a long-standing capitulation to member state demands. Read on »

Will the centre-right enable the far-right in Austria at September's election?Opinion

While all eyes are on the far-right, the centre-right Austrian People's Party (ÖVP)’s key role in September's election is often neglected. While unlikely to come in first, they will hold the most powerful position in the aftermath: forming a coalition without them is practically impossible. As such, whether a far-right coalition government emerge largely depends on them.Read on »


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Lagarde and most EU finance chiefs to snub Orbán on Friday

Hungary's controversial EU presidency will score a small win this week, when eurozone finance chiefs go to Budapest — but low attendance continues to dog Viktor Orbán's showcase events. Read on »

The mask comes off the Georgian Dream partyColumn

The Georgian Dream party is now publicly transforming from a supposedly pro-EU oligarchic party into an anti-Western and pro-Russian political actor.Read on »

Egypt is Brussels' key 'partner' on Gaza and migration, say top EU officials

The EU’s top officials on foreign policy and migration have doubled down on the bloc’s support for Egypt as its key ally in the Maghreb region. Read on »

In case you missed it

Why EU leaders should get off Musk's XEUobserved

Leaders should ask themselves - is X really what I want my brand to be associated with? Read on »

Calling a spade a spade? How to categorise Europe’s fractious new far-right Analysis

The Altenative for Germany's new Sovereigntist group in the European Parliament — the third rightwing outfit there — illustrates how far-right parties in Europe have increased both in popularity and in variety. But don't start calling them national conservatives, experts warn. Read on »

Nine books on feminism and race to help understand a complex worldBook Review

Here are some authors and books – some new, some old, some fiction, some non-fiction – which provide a road-less-travelled exploration and explanation of some of today’s most salient questions, writes Shada Islam.Read on »

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