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vrijdag 27 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, UCL - Video, Subscription for a documentary on anti-authoritarian resistance in Ukraine (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 They are fighting outside against Putin's invasion, inside against the

antisocial policy of the Ukrainian state. They are trade unionists,
libertarians, feminists, environmentalists... Nestor Makhno is a living
reference for them. A documentary is being filmed to give them a voice.
A subscription is open to finance its production. ---- While Russian
aggression is redoubled in intensity, the Ukrainian resistance is
holding firm in a form of citizen, social, trade union, military,
cultural self-organization. A resolute commitment that is reminiscent of
that, just a century ago, of the anarchist peasant Nestor Makhno, who in
1918-1921 led an army of 100,000 fighters to fight against the
Austro-German occupation, against the reactionary White armies and
against the Red Army of Moscow. His project at the time: a free,
independent, social and democratic society. The current front line
crosses the territories that saw the birth and development of the

The film will follow in the footsteps of Nestor, who today inspires part
of the Ukrainian youth and fighters who resist Russian imperialism. We
will strive to render the atmosphere of the war, showing the scars it
leaves on women, men and landscapes, both rural and urban, shedding
light on the surges of solidarity and mutual aid that the situation
engenders. We will pay close attention to the populations who suffer,
fight, resist and hope, trying to render this particular and unexpected
energy that irrigates the country.

The authors
Christophe Cordier is the author and co-author of numerous documentaries
of a social and historical nature, focusing on men and women who resist
oppression. This approach can be found in his films - several of which
have been reviewed in Alternative libertaire - such as Le Rêve perdu des
hommes du fleuve, Frères de Classe, D'égales à égales, Contre-feu or his
latest film, En grève, on the 2019-2020 rail movement.

Pierre Chamechaude is the author, under the name of Pierre Znamensky, of
several works on propaganda arts in the Soviet totalitarian system: Sous
les plis du drapeau rouge (Le Rouergue), Sovietart (Galilée). He is also
the co-author, under several books on the history of anarchism, such as
1917. Les Anarchistes, leur rôle, leurs choix (éditions d'AL), on the
social movement or on Ukraine, such as L'Ukraine en toutes lettres
(Syllepse). A CGT activist, he has visited Ukraine three times as part
of inter-union humanitarian convoys since the start of the war.

Work schedule

The writing of the film began in March 2024 and has already resulted in
a sequence.

An initial scouting took place from June 10 to 25, to make contact with
activists and soldiers belonging to a network of several hundred
fighters, bringing together anti-authoritarian left-wing activists,
environmentalists, animal rights activists, feminists, LGBTIQ activists,
libertarian communists, anarchists engaged on the front or in different
forms of direct support for the front. This network is of course mainly
made up of Ukrainians, but there are also other origins, including
Belarusian, Russian, Kurdish, European and American.

We also made contact with trade unionists and political figures (MPs,
ex-MPs, opponents of Putin, etc.).

Filming in Ukraine will take place before the end of 2024, as will
probably be the case in France. The film editing will therefore be able
to begin in the first quarter of 2025.

Film budget
The production of the film will cost a total of EUR10,000:

Travel and on-site expenses for the June location scouting (15 days)
Travel for the film crew EUR2,000
On-site expenses for the film crew (3 weeks) EUR1,500
Accommodation costs for the film crew (3 weeks) EUR2,500
Fixer and interpreter on site EUR2,000
Equipment and miscellaneous expenses EUR1,000
Project leaders
The film will be produced by Thélème Films, supported by the Canal
Marches association.

Thélème Films has produced several documentaries that highlight major
struggles, such as Par la fenêtre ou par la porte, La Marche aux mille
voix, Les Garçons Ramponeau and Les Enfants de Denouval. Canal Marches
is an association created by audiovisual professionals, unemployed and
precarious workers, and social movement activists to contribute to the
expression and visibility of the "voiceless" and their resistance, and
more broadly people from working-class backgrounds, through the
appropriation of the video tool.

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