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zondag 22 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, FA-Rennes: Wednesday 18/09 at 8pm - La Commune premises - Political elections & Social emancipation (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Hello comrade ---- We invite you in this somewhat unusual back-to-school
period to participate in a Chat at the La Commune premises, Wednesday,
September 18, 8pm ---- on the theme: "Political elections and social
emancipation - What lessons does French current events teach us?" ----
Political elections and social emancipation - What lessons does French
current events teach us? ---- To the general astonishment, and in a
context of increasing presence of far-right ideas, Macron dissolved the
National Assembly before the summer and then organized express
legislative elections. While he was expecting a strengthening of his
political representation, the NFP came out on top (with 7 million votes
cast) in these elections in terms of the number of deputies. But it was
the RN, with its 10 million votes, that won the most votes.

The moralizers of the left, always quick to assimilate abstainers to
fascists, could already wonder about the fact that if more fascists
abstained, the representation of this political force would be
diminished accordingly.
The belief in parliamentary and delegated democracy has led some to
defend the idea that the extreme right could be stopped by paper
barricades, and, for decades, to present the republican barrier as the
means of protecting oneself from it. 10 Million votes, ideas omnipresent
in the media and therefore in minds: In the light of the general
depoliticization of society, we can measure the success of this strategy.
Those who vote RN do not come from nowhere, many of them voted left
before. The cause of the rise of the extreme right is to be found in the
despair generated for decades by the unfulfilled promises and betrayals
of politicians, and by the trivialization, the resumption, or even the
implementation of the themes of the extreme right, including by the left.
The search this summer by the left, for a providential man or woman 1st
minister who could have pleased the President - who was ready to cohabit
with the extreme right - was a new peak of pathos. How can we still
trust institutions that give so much power to a single man?
This summer, there was also the great nationalist mass of the Olympic
Games, a suspended moment when we were asked to commune in a beautiful
patriotic surge while leaving a resigning government to decide the state

Since the appointment of a man of the right at the head of Matignon
should make our comrades of the left particularly combative: They want a
master, yes, but a master of the left. So of course, on September 7,
these bourgeois call on the people to mobilize to put them in power. Too
bad, it's been a long time since the people voted left.

Seriously, don't the people, the workers and the exploited in general,
deserve better than a political alternation, than a leader to lead them?
To those who are looking for a "good" government, Proudhon had already
answered 173 years ago with this magnificent text "Being governed?"
The big shareholders of the CAC40 or the NASDAQ, the billionaires of the
planet, do not suffer from the random results of elections. We do not
vote for those who are in control, who run society and decide, from
their board of directors, the fate of billions of individuals. No one is
called to vote for those who have laws made or unmade by their lackey
heads of state.
Fascism in its various forms can sometimes become the best ally of the
bourgeois bloc in these so-called "left" or "right" components. This
bourgeois bloc is the one that owns the means of production, the one
that is in control of the economy and finance. It is the one that makes
decisions on a global scale, not the leaders of political parties.
They voted, so what?
Electoralism is the archetypal representation of the political impasse
in which "citizens" find themselves. While those who produce wealth, the
workers, have considerable strength if they come together to defend
their interests. We are indeed here in a position of class against class
Against any form of resignation, which can only lead to resentment,
bitterness, cynicism, withdrawal into oneself, solidarity is the weapon
of the exploited.
Anarchists "carry a new world in their hearts" as Buenaventura Durruti
said. In a world that is collapsing, we continue to carry a global
message of social emancipation. To give hope to the exploited, we need
victorious social struggles with a perspective of global change in society.
What perspectives of struggle?

As part of this back-to-school talk, we will discuss current events,
exchange our analyses, and evoke themes of emancipatory struggles,
outside of the constraints of politics and their concoctions.

See you and hear you, then!

Published by Groupe La Sociale de la Fédération Anarchiste on Sunday,

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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