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zaterdag 28 september 2024

WORLD WORLDWIDE EUROPE FRANCE - news journal UPDATE - (en) France, OCL: For the release of Kanak political prisoners and against all colonialism: Let's demonstrate on September 24, 2024! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Unity, humility, respect and memory! ---- Two and a half months ago,
Kanak activists who were fighting for the right to self-determination of
the Kanak people were deported to France and imprisoned on trumped-up
charges by the colonial state. ---- Meanwhile, loyalist and colonial
segregationist policies that undermine human rights have become a common
reality in Kanaky, supported by the French government, which massively
sends armed forces and military equipment to bloodily repress Kanak
independence activists.
Result: Kanaks are penned in, deported, abusively checked, arbitrarily
arrested, deprived of their freedom of expression and movement,
intimidated, slandered, murdered by soldiers or groups of armed
loyalists, and raped. The media serve French colonial policy and convey
the image of a violent and racist Kanak.

The population suffers from a justice system that has been stripped of
its independence. Indeed, politics has taken precedence over the
judiciary. Dissenting voices are systematically silenced by imprisonment
and exile. In particular, Kanak youth, who have mobilized for their
rights, are systematically criminalized by the media and political elites.
Meanwhile, political elites are enriching themselves at the expense of
the local population. So that's enough!

To our Kanak brothers and sisters, to our Melanesian, Micronesian and
Polynesian brothers and sisters, to our brothers and sisters from other
French colonies (Réunion, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Mayotte),
to our brothers and sisters from former French colonies, to our French
brothers and sisters, to the anti-capitalist and anti-colonialist
organizations here and elsewhere, and to all those who support the Kanak

On September 24, it will be 171 years since France colonized Kanaky. For
the Kanaks, it is both a day of mourning and a celebration of
citizenship. We call for mobilization throughout France on that day to
demand the release of Kanak political prisoners and an end to French
colonial policies.

Join us en masse on September 24, 2024 to show the unity of our people
in the face of the colonial tyrant!
Solidarity Collective for Kanaky 67 and 68, September 6, 2024 in Strasbourg.

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